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“那么,”曼迪说。“So, ” Mandy said.

“爸爸,”曼迪说。“Daddy, ” Mandy said.

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“干杯,”曼迪说。“Salud, ” Mandy said.

“干杯,”曼迪说。“Cheers, ” Mandy said.

在你的诗里面,我是曼迪吗?In your poem, am I Mandy?

“下次吧,”曼迪说。“Next time, ” Mandy said.

“没事儿,”曼迪说。“No problem, ” Mandy said.

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“恩,那好吧,”曼迪说。“Well, then, ” Mandy said.

“它当然知道,”曼迪说。“It knows it, ” Mandy said.

曼蒂像肯一样有才能。Mandy is as talented as Ken.

你好,曼蒂。你父亲在家吗?Hi, Mandy. Is your father in?

你真是不可思议,曼迪。You are so marvellous, Mandy.

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“我自己也是这样,”曼迪说。“Right there myself, ” Mandy said.

很快,曼迪知道,他就会把它给撕下来。Soon, Mandy knew, he would peel it.

克里斯视曼蒂为他的真爱。Chris regards Mandy as his true love.

“也许你需要休息了,”曼迪说。“Maybe you should rest, ” Mandy said.

“他从来不说起这事儿,”曼迪说。“He never talks about it, ” Mandy said.

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我让芒迪和斯坦展开讨论。I let Mandy and Stan start the discussion.

曼蒂惊慌地跑出著火的房子。Mandy ran out of the burning house in terror.

这是吉格斯对曼联电视的曼迪。亨利说的。Ryan Giggs was talking to MUTV's Mandy Henry.