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接下来,测试管理员角色。Next, you test the administrators role.

仅针对管理员自动接收UAC提示Disable UAC Prompts for Administrators Only

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亲爱的管理员,送给邀请码吧。I want to be invited. Thanks Administrators.

经费削减难住了一些管理人员。The cutbacks have some administrators stumped.

管理员可以重新提交存储的请求。Administrators can resubmit the stored requests.

超级用户定义域管理员。The super user defines the domain administrators.

项目管理员可以创建和删除用户组。Project administrators can create and delete user groups.

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程序员至少和管理员一样需要这些要素。Programmers need these at least as much as administrators.

体育管理者们渴望着实现诚信的新方式。Sports administrators long for new ways to impose honesty.

此参与者可以创建银行以及银行管理员。This actor can create banks along with bank administrators.

允许管理者自订网站导览选单。Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.

大学校长罗伯特和其他校方高级官员在声明里提到。Birgeneau, and other top administrators said in a statement.

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该市教育管理部门表示,新系统缩短了学生午餐排队的时间。The new system speeds lunch lines, said city administrators.

我是一个韩国管理员警卫0.360版主!I am a Korean administrators security guards . 360 Moderators!

对管理员而言,性能优化始终是一项高优先级任务。Performance tuning is always a priority task for administrators.

这个群的管理员都是学生会里的学生干部。The administrators of the QQ group are all leaders in the union.

大多数管理员都认为分页是一件很麻烦的事情。Most administrators think of paging as something that is onerous.

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但是2009年5月我前往木里迪克的时候,没看见任何政府官员。But during a visit in May 2009 I saw no government administrators.

天互的管理员老是删我们的贴子干嘛?搞不明白!Why does Yiwu Tianhu Forum Administrators always delete our posts?

总统任命所有的内阁国务大臣。The president appoints all cabinet-level government administrators.