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颜色是类似蓝色的那种。That color is blueish.

皮肤将会由红色变得苍白或者发蓝。Your skin will change from red to pale or blueish.

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剩下的内容有淡青色的悬浮效果。The rest is the content of the site with some light blueish hover effects.

然后使用偏蓝的白来增加一些细微的差异,从而模拟起伏的地形。Then using the blueish color I added nuances to simulate an undulating look.

在法师的演示视频中,她有一个看起来像一个青蓝色爪子的群攻技能。In the sorc vid, you can see she has a melee attack, that looks like blueish green claws.

比较暗的蓝绿色作为阴影色,黄绿色作为高光色。A dark, more blueish green for the shading colour, and a light, more yellowish green as the highlight colour.

研究不同浓度水性蜡对发蓝钢带的防锈性能影响。This paper studied the effects of different water-based wax consistency on the anticorrosiveness of blueish steel strips.

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使用了一个占优势的活力颜色---蓝色来代表链接,按钮和一切可以点击的元素,白色代表当前页面内容摘要的重要信息.其余站点内容用一些清淡的带青色的悬停效果,适度极好的表现了颜色有效使用的方式.The rest is the content of the site with some light blueish hover effects. Excellent, modest and expressive use of colors.

当所有的东西都绘制完后,你可以使用模糊工具来对纯白和偏蓝的白之间进行平滑的过渡。When everything will be painted, you can then use the Blur tool and make a smooth transition between pure white and blueish white.

存在着很多不同颜色,可能是蛋黄的、带白色的或者是蓝色的底色并且有不同的数量、位置和尺寸的黑斑。Numerous colour varieties of this species exists which may have a yellowish, whitish or blueish background colour and a different number, position and size of black patches.

一瞥之下,这些可能看起来都只是像一些酒后派对的蓝色照片而已,但实际上这所有的照片都是由是由很多很多支不起眼的BIC圆珠笔手工绘制出来的!These may look just like some blueish party picture at a glance, in fact all of these photo-like picture are all hand-drawn products from many, many ordinary BIC ballpoint pen!