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红外测温中需要选择合适的工作波长。The proper working wavelengths should be selected in infrared thermometry.

阐述温度测量的基本原理、类型,并对热电耦温度计进行试制作。This paper describes the fundamental of thermometry and the types of thermometer.

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采用斯忒鄱-玻尔兹曼定律的红外测温选用红外传感头实现。The measuring temperature was realized with infrared thermometry method using infrared sensor.

分析了幅射传递通道中的介质对红外测温的影响。Effects of the medium in radiation transmitting path on infrared thermometry have been analyzed.

在微创热疗中,活体测温是十分关键的技术。Thermometry in vivo is one of the most important techniques in minimally invasive thermotherapy.

调谱平衡测温法是一种新的非接触测温方法。Spectro-balance thermometry method is a new approach for the noncontact measurement of temperature.

精密铂电阻温度计是精密测温中广泛使用的测温仪器。The platinum resistance thermometers are widely used as the precision measuring instrument in thermometry.

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声学测温是一种先进的温度测量方法,与传统方法相比,具有很多优势。The acoustic thermometry has many advantages, compared with conventional methods of temperature measurements.

介绍了一种用于热疗法中超声测温的双超声脉冲发射接收电路。This paper introduces double ultrasound pulse transmitting and receiving circuits used in ultrasound thermometry.

在这项研究中,皮温测试显示炎症组织的温度由于治疗而降低了。In this study, thermometry showed that the temperature of the inflamed tissue was decreased as a result of treatment.

而在声学测温的各种方法中,基于声波传播时间的声速测温方法又是一种比较好的、应用更广泛的方法。In all these methods, acoustic velocity thermometry based on the acoustic travel time is a better one with a wider use.

利用包体测温及同位素等测试资料探讨了矿床成因。The origin of the deposit explored by using the microprobe, inclusion thermometry. isotope assay etc. is also discussed.

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本文详细研究了超声聚焦法治疗肿瘤过程中的无损测温问题。In this paper, the method of noninvasive thermometry during the process of ablating tumors by HIFU is researched in-depth.

加热技术的改进确保了有效的加热深度和精确的加热温度。Technical improvements have facilitated the application of HT by ensuring effective heating depth and precise thermometry.

基于红外CCD的红外焦平面热像仪以电子扫描代替光机扫描。The electronic scanning replaces optical machine scanning in infrared focus plane image thermometry based on infrared CCD.

分析了彩色CCD摄像机测量机理,推导和分析了相应的三色温度测量模型。The measurement mechanism of CCD color video camera is analyzed, and tri-color thermometry model is developed and analyzed.

通过修正系数及人工智能算法在线消除铸坯表面水雾气对红外测温结果的影响。Through revising coefficient and artificial intelligence, the effects of water vapor upon infrared thermometry can be eliminated.

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温度测量应用热电偶测温原理,声速测量采用脉冲回波技术。The principle of thermocouple thermometry was used for temperature measurement and the pulse-echo technique for ultrasonic velocity.

辐射测温的主要问题是解决未知的或变化的表面发射率所引起的误差测量。The main problem in radiation thermometry is how to minimize the measuring error resulting from unknown or variant surface emissivity.

综述国内外辐射测温技术、辐射测温仪器和红外热像仪,提出了传统辐射测温存在的问题。The development of radiation thermometry and the thermal imager has been reviewed and the problems were analyzed from technique degree.