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归纳提出了总体设计中应注意的主要原则。It is presented systematically the design principia of tank and armored vehicles.

针对高校教师激励中存在的问题,提出了岗位津贴制度需要把握的原则。Post forward the use principia of post allowance aim to the teacher motivation problem.

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本文首先对中小城市编制交通管理规划的指导思想、规划原则、规划依据等进行研究。First, do research on the guidance idea and principia and gist of constituting of traffic management planning.

提出了化学法中催化剂的选择原则及二氧化碳化学利用的发展方向。And also indicated the principia of choicing catalyzer and the future developmental direction of carbon dioxide's chemical use.

本文从建网原则、设计目标、网络总体结构分析、网络实施方案等方面来阐述中小型局域网的组建方案。This paper recites building project of miniature LAN from principia of project, designing aim, frame of network and actualizing project.

我们的产品及服务保证严谨可靠,秉承着服务至上、客户第一的原则为广大客户带来新颖、安全的卷闸产品。The primary principia is that the customer's require are above all and what we do is just to bring them new and safe in rolling shutter experience.

阐述了矿业循环经济的基本内涵,指出了矿业循环经济的概念、实施原则和方式。This paper mainly expounds the basic connotation of recycling economy, points concept, implementary principia and method of mining recycle economy.

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最后,研究了引擎的编程代码优化,给出了代码优化的原则和方法,并对优化的方法进行了比较。At last, after concluding the principia and method of optimization of code, the engine is optimized, especially for Gauss-Kruger projection program.

参照国家地震规范和参考一些国外资料提出了电站锅炉钢结构地震力的一种计算方法。The diagram according to predigest account principia and boilers information, process calculate earthquake force of boilers structure are calculated.

作为炼金术士的艾萨克爵士,他说道,和作为权威的数学原理的作者的艾萨克爵士比起来不呈多让。Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica.

所以提出了男士正装色彩设计的一般原则,即对其机能性原则、流行性原则、嗜好性原则等进行了探讨。So to present and discuss the fundamental to design men's robes color, such as principia of function, principia of fashion, principia of addiction and so on.

圣龙品牌就是以“不断创新,服务大众,互惠互利”为宗旨。愿与各界朋友广泛合作,共同发展!We always insist in the principia of " constantly creation, following market, achieving mutual benefit". We are looking forward to the cooperation with friends around the word!

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介绍塑料异型材截面设计时应注意的原则,结合塑料异型材截面设计的实例进行分析,并提出修改方案。The principia of designing plastic profile section was presented. The faultful profile sections were analyzed, and the modified scheme about the profile section was put forward.

文章介绍了氧腐蚀的危害及除氧原理,结合作者所在单位除氧器在十几年来运行中暴露出来的问题,对今后设备改进提出了自己的见解。The paper introduces the harm of oxygen corrosion and the principia of deoxygenization , combined the problem of deaerator in running, provided some advice for improvement device.

牛顿力学原理解释了天体绕轨道运行的原因以及宏观尺度的一些现象,比如苹果为什么会掉到地上。Newton's Principia , having explained orbits of heavenly bodies and more earthly things like the reason why apples fall to the ground, was hailed as the greatest insight of mankind.

分析了传统灰度图像直方图均衡化算法的不足,讨论并实现了一种改进的直方图均衡化图像增强算法。A modified algorithm of histogram equalization to gray image manipulation was discussed and actualized by analyzing principia and deficiency of the traditional algorithm of gray image.

介绍了信息化工程监理制度产生的背景、信息化工程监理规范的依据、原则及主要内容。This paper has introduced the background that produced information system project surveillance system, warranty and principia for information system project surveillance specification.

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论述了在当前科学技术条件下,土石坝安全监测系统的发展趋势,确定了土石坝安全监测软件系统开发的基本原则,并对其进行了阐述和论证。The development trend of the earth rockfill dam security monitoring system is investigated and the development principia of the earth rockfill dam security monitoring software system are given.

在纽曼教授看来,以上皆否,他说道,艾萨克爵士,与那个权威数学原理的作者牛顿相比,这个炼金术士一个是更为疯狂而又不易妥协的牛顿。In Dr. Newman’s view, none of the above. Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica.

并以千斤顶为例,分析了工具软件和选型方案的选择原则,给出了放样弹簧、模拟水流等的制作过程。Taking jack as an example, the selective principia of software tool and lectotype project was analyzed, the facture process of simulating water flow and enlarging sample for spring was presented.