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闪光吧,海浪,在幽暗的沙滩四周。Glimmer, ye waves, round else unlighted sands.

他全神贯注地整理那盏没有点亮的灯上的绒毛灯罩。He set straight the fluffy shade on the unlighted lamp.

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第四,无爱的生物就像一间没有光亮的屋子,在秋天的夜色中空荡荡的。IV. Or picture the unlighted house, empty at fall of night.

在一家商店的门洞里站着一个人,嘴里叼着一根没有点燃的雪茄。In the doorway of a store stood a man with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.

一个嘴里叼着未点燃的雪茄男人,斜靠在一家黑漆漆的五金店的门道里。In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.

该相机具备夜视功能,即使在没有光线的环境下也能提供清晰的图像。They incorporate Black Diamond night vision to produce clear images even in unlighted environments.

在其中一家商店已经暗下来的门口站著一个人,口里含著一根未点火的雪茄。There in the darkened doorway of one of the stores stood a man with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.

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一家黑暗的五金店门口有一个男子依靠在那里,他嘴上叼着一只未点燃的雪茄。当警察向他走来,他迅速地上前解释。In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.

像往常一样,早班邮车如同箭一般沿着这些小道驶过,两个轮子无声无响,撞上了她那辆又慢又没有点灯的马车。The morning mail-cart, with its two noiseless wheels, speeding along these lanes like an arrow, as it always did, had driven into her slow and unlighted equipage.

蒙昧的主体意识及自卑情结,萎缩的性意识和扭曲的种族意识将主人公一步步推向了难以自拔的深渊。It is her unlighted subject consciousness, inferiority complex, undeveloped sex consciousness and distorted race consciousness that lead her to the doomed fate gradually and inevitably.