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有没有人能够战胜自然呢?Can any man outwit nature?

我已经知道如何以机智胜过他。I already knew how to outwit him.

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不要试图欺瞒面试官或者和面试官斗智斗勇Don't try to outwit or outguess the interviewer.

狐狸的狡猾是出了名的,英文看来它也是可以成精的。You have to be as cunning as a fox to outwit me.

他反正总能设法智胜对手。Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents.

我们会智取那混蛋,象我们智取其他人一样。We'll outwit that bastard as we've outwitted others.

狐狸也将援助一个人去学习智胜黑暗。Fox will also assist one in learning to outwit the dark.

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你尽力不去理会这种渴望、你尽力去避免这种渴望、你甚至尽力智胜这种渴望,但是一无所获。You even try to outwit the craving. But it doesn’t work.

卢卡,关键的问题是,这回我怎样才能在智慧上胜过你。The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time?

如人类一样,蚂蚁同样会用假象和欺骗来智取敌人。Like humans, ants can try to outwit foes with cheats and lies.

他决心以智取胜,于是他开始自己拍出一份电报。He decided to outwit these fellows, and he began to send a message himself.

能否谈猪骨头和一个小乐队智胜个强盗和一个饥饿的狐狸?Can a pig and a small talking bone outwit a band of robbers and a hungry fox?

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因为那就意味着我考虑过你以智取胜我的可能性。Because that would suggest that I have considered the possibility that you can outwit me.

以掩饰自己作为一个老妪,霍姆斯能够骗过他的追求和逃避被捕。By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture.

在一系列巧妙而机智的摆设下,突击队兵不血刃,智取军械库。Under a series of the decoration of the clever and witty, commandos firefight, outwit the armory.

在线安全将在黑客与安全专家的斗智斗勇中得到持续发展。Online security will evolve as hackers and security experts work continuously to outwit each other.

亚历山大在他的情报部门的帮助下,得以击败拿破仑,并侵略它国。Thanks to the intelligence he obtained, Alexander was able to outwit Napoleon, anticipating his invasion.

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但垃圾制造者不断采用新的手段躲避这类基于内容过滤技术的追捕。But spammers are constantly coming up with new tricks in an effort to outwit such content-filtering techniques.

这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI.

谈小爱难产,孩子没能保住,周宝民担心她难过,强忍悲痛瞒住了她。Small talk about love during childbirth, couldnt keep the child, Zhou Baomin afraid she sad, try to outwit the her.