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黛咪摩儿是哪一个?Which one is Demi Moore?

我说我要像黛咪摩儿!I said I wanted it like Demi Moore!

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我只要咖啡,一小杯黑咖啡,请。I'll take just coffee, demi tasse, please.

她是个半素食者,她不吃红肉。She's a demi -veg. She doesn't take red meat.

布鲁斯威利和黛咪摩儿终于离婚了。Bruce Willis and Demi Moore finally got divorced.

他在吃午餐,而且我旁边就是黛咪·摩尔。He was having lunch and next to me was Demi Moore.

她在这张图里看起来有点像黛米·摩尔。She sort of looks like Demi Moore in this picture.

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今年对于已经成为歌手和演员的黛米来说十分艰难。This year has been tough for singer and actress Demi Lovato.

也许这是我们最后一次看到黛米·摩尔如此的美丽。Probably the last time we’ll ever see Demi Moore look this good.

还有,我滴神哪,说说我有多爱黛咪·摩尔吧!And, my God, let's talk about how much I love Demi Moore as well.

女演员黛米·摩尔和好莱坞男星艾什顿·库奇约会时的照片。Actress Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher pictured when they were dating.

不过,有一次迪米注意到贝教授望著乔的样子。However, on one occasion Demi noticed how the professor looked at Jo.

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迪斯尼明星黛咪洛瓦托离开治疗中心与她的家人度过假期。Disney star Demi Lovato left rehab to spend the holidays with her family.

明年6月份,海滨大道将实现部分路段半幅通车。Next year in June, the waterfront section of road will achieve demi traffic.

黛米·摩尔近日宣布,与艾什顿·库彻六年的婚姻生活将划上句号。Demi Moore has announced she is ending her six year marriage to Ashton Kutcher.

他曾被人发现与黛米•摩尔一同出现在洛杉矶的许多俱乐部。He’s been spotted out together with Demi Moore at numerous Los Angeles nightspots.

和妻子黛米摩尔合影的阿什顿库彻是Flipboard的投资者。Ashton Kutcher, pictured here with his wife Demi Moore, is an investor in Flipboard.

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黛咪知道她需要什么帮助,而且她知道是现在需要的是正确的。Demi knows she needs the help and knows that she is where she needs to be right now.

美国女演员黛咪-摩尔曾在微博中分享自己给自己拔牙的经历。American actress Demi Moore once tweeted about how she pulled a tooth out by herself.

凯文·史派西、扎克瑞·昆图、保罗·贝坦尼,甚至连黛咪·摩尔都有上佳表现。Great performances by Kevin Spacey, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, and even Demi Moore.