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当然,把我的工作命名为SlowSOA听起来不那么好。Of course, titling my work SlowSOA didn't sound as good.

如果您标示为接受,它将消除所有权,使之活跃。If you mark it as accepted, it will remove the titling and make it active.

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谥法是中国古代特有的文化传统,历来受到主流社会的重视。Titling and posthumous titling was a special cultural tradition in old China.

当你提交你的新闻报道的时候,电视台需要关于作者和标题的信息。When you submit your story, the news station will require information for credits and titling.

经过二十多年的努力,摆式列车技术逐渐成熟并得到广泛运用。By making great effort more twenty years, the titling technology is gradually matured and widely used.

其四发生在早白垩世末期,表现为掀斜运动,褶皱和断裂作用相对较弱。The fourth occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous, showing titling with weak faulting and folding.

它包括编辑、特技、复制、配音、加字幕和其它许多视频和音频技术。Postproduction includes editing, special effects, dubbing, titling and many other video and audio techniques.

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聪明的读者可能都注意到了,没错,这一系列随笔的标题设计都是向这一博客的原作者蒙田的致敬。As the alert reader may have noticed, the titling scheme of these essays is a hat tip to Montaigne, the original blogger.

根据这两个条纹周期就可以得到物体的面内位移和倾斜的信息。From that and using the deduced formula , the information of the displacement and titling of the object can be picked up.

凡建设工程未经规划验收或者经规划验收不合格的,产权登记机关不予办理产权登记手续。Any acceptance or unplanned construction of the unqualified acceptance of the plan, not for titling property registration procedures.

正确的著录,不仅对图书的题名从不同的角度予以揭示,而且也为读者检索带来很大方便。The correct titling not only reveals the title of libraries from different perspectives but also renders great convenience to the readers.

对于控制标题与描述的需求,取决于组织的规模与复杂度,以及特定的档案系统。The requirement for control of titling and description depends on the size and complexity of the organization and the specific records system.

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更小的“例子图像”是某事我们投入那里展示怎麽小核也雀i一步被减少在大小到事假更多室为题为。The smaller "example image" is something we put there to demonstrate how the PIP might be further reduced in size to leave yet more room for titling.

我国是一个地域辽阔、山区铁路较多的国家,采用摆式列车是在既有线路上提高旅客列车运行速度的有效手段。China is very large, there are a lot of railway in mountains, adopting titling train became an important way to improve speed at the existing railway.

本文分析了常规波片的缺点,重点讨论了倾斜光轴波片的设计方法。In this peper the defects of conventional wave plate is analyzed, and the design consideration of a wave plate with titling optical axis are mainly discussed.

两大世代的盆地在空间上存在翘倾叠合、叠合保存、部分叠合改造等三种方式。There exist three superposed manners of Jurassic and Cretaceous basins in space. They are titling superposition, superposed preservation and part superposition.

加强土地产权登记和地价管理,规范土地使用权转让、出租、抵押管理和划拨土地使用权入市管理。Strengthen land titling and land management, regulate the transfer of land use rights, letting, management and allocation of land use rights mortgage market management.

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本论文主要讨论了分数傅里叶变换在测量物体微位移方面的应用,提出了一种可同时提取物体的面内位移和倾斜的信息的方法并设计了实验方案和装置。This article main discuss the measuring the micro-displacement of the object, and we design a new setup to measuring the displacement and the titling factor in one time.

为此,国家自然科学基金委和铁道部先后对摆式列车的研究进行了立项,在我国进行摆式列车的研制。Therefore, the Fund Committee of Natural Science and the Ministry of Railways successively establish especial item to be researched, and titling train was developed in china.

到2010年底,世行在非洲的农村项目至少一半将包括社会性别措施,譬如类似在埃塞俄比亚实施的土地权项目。By the end of 2010 at least half of all the Bank’s rural projects in Africa will include gender actions, such as land titling programs like the one being implemented in Ethiopia.