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但那些走在毁灭道路的人将会悲痛。But woe to those who walk the path of perdition.

可卡因和海洛因是通往地狱的快车道。Cocaine and heroin are fast routes to perdition.

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这个人一想起死后的永久惩罚就颤抖不已。The man trembled whenever he thought of the perdition.

还是能勾引人下地狱的海妖?Or can seduce the sea demon that the person goes to perdition?

这样的民主是否正是亡国亡台之路!Is not such a democracy squarely on the road to national perdition?

显然,以现在虚弱的肉身杀到十八层地狱简直是不可能的。Kill 18 F with the now weak beef body obviously perdition absolutely namely impossible.

我赎回了你的灵魂,我把它从邪恶的意念和精神的沉沦中解脱出来,交给了上帝。I withdraw your soul from black thoughts and the spirit of perdition , and give it to God.

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一日他们中的许多人将假先知,并应教导的方式和不同的学说坠入万劫不复之地。Many of them shall be false prophets, and shall teach ways and diverse doctrines of perdition.

一个国家的执政党树立什么样的发展观关系着一个国家的兴衰存亡。The developmental concept which ruling party adopts counts for the nation's prosperity and perdition.

但此举会令欧洲央行的应急购买措施转变为永久行为,从而使欧元走上不归之路。But turning the ECB’s emergency purchases into a permanent arrangement is the euro’s road to perdition.

那先前有,如今没有的兽,就是第八位。他也和那七位同列,并且归于沉沦。And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

本文主要是对吐谷浑民族形成、发展和消亡的若干问题进行研究。The paper discusses several problems in Tuyuhun's formation, development and perdition as an ethnic group.

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通往毁灭的都是下坡路,一路上风光迤逦而且畅通无阻,而最终的道德沦丧是不可避免的。The path to perdition is enticing , slippery, and all downhill. Moral bankruptcy is the inevitable conclusion.

有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。有希望在的地方,痛瘔也成懽乐。The area which the ideal is in, the perdition possibly a paradise. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.

在北宋灭亡的背景下,中秋月的“团圆”特征及其象征意义被凸显和强调。After the perdition of the North Song Dynasty, the round image of the moon and its cultural meaning of reunion were emphasized.

辛弃疾是在宋朝国势多艰,民族危机四伏的历史条件下,造就出的一位金戈铁马的真英雄。Xin Qiji , a true hero, was created during the harsh time of the Song Dynasty, when the nation was in great danger of perdition.

在那些舍生忘死享受快感的人们身上,我看到了自我种群堕落灭亡的征兆。From those people who are dying for the enjoyment of the climax, I saw the omen of the degeneration and perdition of our human beings.

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明确婚生子女否认的时效限制、权利灭失,以及相应的救济措施。As for the renouncement of legitimate child, the paper defines its limitation in time, right perdition and relevant almsgiving measurements.

自公元420年东晋王朝灭亡之后,在南方先后出现了宋、齐、梁、陈四个国家,而它们存在的时间都相对较短。Since the perdition of East Jin Dynasty in 420 A. D, four nations called"Song, Qi, Liang, Chen" emerged respectively for a short period of time.

那些想腰发财得忍,就陷入迷惑,落进罗网何许多愚蠢犹害得私欲里,叫忍毁灭沦丧。Those who desire to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as down men in destruction and perdition.