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我去了趟采石场。I went to the quarry.

塔宝拉还有一些采石场。Tabora also hosts a ballast quarry.

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修造猎物然后石匠。Build a quarry and then a stonemason.

最后,我们到了一个废弃的采石场。Finally, we ended up in an abandoned quarry.

缸砖是一种流行的厨房地面材料。Quarry tiles are a popular kitchen flooring.

不远处已经有了一座现代化的采石场。At a distance there is already a modern quarry.

鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。The hawk descend in a vertical stoop on its quarry.

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聪明的跳跃长途电话在他们的采石场上关。Able to leap long distances to close on their quarry.

一小组不可缺少的人或事物。Found the book an indispensable quarry of information.

好吧,哈克心里想,他们会把宝箱埋在石。Good, thought Huck, they will bury it in the old quarry.

在服刑期间,他在石灰采石场里做着苦工。While in prison, he performed hard labor at a lime quarry.

三英里之外的采石场进行了爆破作业。Three miles away there was a salvo of blasting in the quarry.

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它们的一身光顺完好的毛皮,是海豹猎人们的首要目标。Their sleek, unmarred pelts are prime quarry for seal hunters.

柏儿―马杜克庙被建筑工人们用来作采石的场所。The temple of Bel-Marduk was being used by builders as a quarry.

柏儿―马杜克庙被建筑工人们用来作采石的场所。The temple of Bel-Marduk was being used by builders as a quarry.

柏儿马杜克庙被建筑工人们用来作采石的场所。The temple of bel-marduk was being used by builders as a quarry.

所以这些大猫常将注意力转到最容易的资源。So the cats often turn their attention toward the easiest quarry.

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当猎人尾随他的猎物冲进来时,没找到那只鹿。When the hunter rushed in after his quarry , he couldn't find it.

通过重力来加速,隼收紧翅膀飞向猎物。Accelerated by gravity, a bird closes its wings and plunges at quarry.

一个叫路易斯的小伙子在一个古代采石场的集会上耍火棒。A fire thrower named Louis spins light at a gathering in an old quarry.