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逆运动学法能保证电缆长度不变性,并满足仿真实时性要求。Inverse kinematics method can ensure invariability of cables' length and real-time simulating.

通过加入适量的安定性改质剂,可以获得能够安全使用的钢渣。The properties of modified slag can be improved by adding suitable amount of invariability agents.

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家族个体空间大小不变提高了解的精度。And the accuracy of the solution can be improved because of the invariability of the individual space.

这种变换关系保证了图像变换平移不变性和规模不变性,从而保证了全局优化的结果。The transform assures the invariability of the image's moving and scale, and obtains the optimal solution.

信息内容所具有的不变特征使异构设备之间的互操作成为可能。The invariability of the information contents makes it possible to interoperate between heterogeneous devices.

岩土体材料大都表现出分形分布,具有自相似性特征或尺度不变性。The geotechnical materials mostly show fractal distribution, and they have self-similar or scale invariability.

颜色恒常是指外界环境变化时对客观物体颜色知觉保持不变的心理倾向。Color constancy refers to the invariability of color perception of the same surface under different illuminations.

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拿到牌照后,网站经营的确定性、合法性和安定性就确定了下来。After taking license plate, the determinism that the website manages, lawful sex and invariability decided come down.

其先天性、唯一性和不变性等特点,使其在门票系统中准确鉴定身份成为可能。Its innateness, unique qualities and invariability make the identification identities in the ticket systems possible.

通过加速老化试验和安定性测试,找出了改铵铜-3安全性变化规律及检测方法。The stability trend and checking methods of GATo-3 propellant was given by the experiments of aged and invariability.

其绝对性主要是指它们的无限性和不变性,其相对性主要是指它们的有限性和可变性。Their absoluteness mainly refers to infiniteness and invariability while relativity denotes finiteness and variability.

通过采用结构不变性原理及PID控制来实现力的逐点跟踪。The structural invariability principle and PID control were adopted to carry out force tracking from this point to another.

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偏振光的禁带宽度随入射角增加逐渐减少,而S偏振光的禁带宽度随入射角增加先不变后增加。The forbidden bandwidth of P-wave decreases when incidence angles increase, and that of S-wave keeps invariability then increases.

单视图测量理论主要是利用了射影几何中的交比不变性来计算图像上点的三维坐标。Single view metrology compute the 3D coordinate of a point based on the projective geometry's characteristic of cross-ratio invariability.

长轴的相对不变性保证了特征向量具有缩放、平移和旋转不变性。Owe to relevant invariability of the longest axis, the feature vectors extracted in the method are invariant to scale, parallel move and rotation.

这一过程中的“恒量”和局部“变量”反映了翻译的“变化中的不变性质”,即翻译的拓扑性质。In topology, the invariability preserved through deformations of geometric figures and multidimensional spaces is referred to as topological property.

价值判断方法引导了民法基本价值从近代民法“安定性”向现代民法的“妥当性”转变。The methodology of valuation guided the translation of valuation from the invariability in the modern civil law to the suitability in the contemporary civil law.

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该特征向量具备旋转、平移、伸缩的不变性,能够克服目标运动状态和环境变化的影响。Centrobias moments have the feature of invariability of rotation, translation and scale, which can overcome the influence of the moving status and dynamic environment.

由于指纹的唯一性和不变性,指纹识别已成为当前最流行、最方便、最可靠的个人身份认证技术之一。The fingerprint identification has become one of the most popular, convenient and reliable personal authentication technologies due to its uniqueness and invariability.

指纹作为人体的重要特征,由于其具有唯一性和终生不变性,越来越成为生物测定技术的重要手段。Since fingerprint is an important feature of human body, it has become one of the important means for biometric test technique because of its uniqueness and invariability.