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1910年,她嫁给了肯尼斯·伯雷尔·帕特森。In 1910, she would marry Kenneth Birrell Paterson.

佩特森将成为纽约州的第一位非洲裔州长。Paterson will become the state's first African-American leader.

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香港铜锣湾百德新街恒隆中心1704室。Room 1704, Hang Lung Centre, Paterson Srteet, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

帕特森已接替斯皮策成为新州长,后者正陷入召妓丑闻之中。Paterson took over for Eliot Spitzer who is caught in a call-girl ring.

麦迪逊美国新泽西州东北部的一个自治村镇,位于莫里斯镇的东南部。A town of northern New Jersey west of Paterson. It is a manufacturing center.

「我认为现在我们有了哈德逊奇迹。」州长派特森说。"I believe now we have had a miracle on the Hudson, " Gov. David Paterson said.

我叫米高柏德臣,我们刚从香港来,我的公司已经订了房间。Michael Paterson. We're just arrived from Hong Kong. My office has made a reservation.

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副州长戴维·帕特森接替了声誉扫地的州长艾略特·斯皮策的职位。Lieutenant Governor David Paterson is taking over for disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer.

新泽西东北部的一行政区,在帕特森跨过帕塞伊克河。人口30,548。A borough of northeast New Jersey across the Passaic River from Paterson. Population, 30,548.

纽约州州长佩特森说,纽约州是面临巨大赤字的25个州之一。New York Governor David Paterson said his state is among 25 U.S. states facing huge deficits.

和许多历史理论家一样,帕特森定义了社会前进的一系列阶段。Like many historical theorists, Paterson identified a series of stages through which societies move.

美国新泽西州东北部一行政区,位于帕特森东部。有各种轻工业。人口24,458。A borough of northeast New Jersey east of Paterson. It has varied light industries. Population, 24,458.

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纽瓦克、帕特森及卡姆登等市的市长,已经服过刑或正在监狱服刑。The former mayors of Newark, Paterson and Camden, to name but a few, have or are serving time in prison.

美国新泽西州东北部一小镇,位于帕特森东南偏东。是主要的居民区。人口37,825。A township of northeast New Jersey east-southeast of Paterson. It is mainly residential. Population, 37,825.

他能在如此有权势的地位苟延残喘这么久,对国会的不良影响不下于彼得森丑闻对艾尔巴尼的影响。His prolonged survival in such a powerful position says as much about Congress as the Paterson scandal does about Albany.

人们起立为大卫-帕特森接替艾略特-斯皮策成为纽约市州长进行了长达两分钟的欢呼。A two-minute standing ovation marked the end for Eliot Spitzer and the beginning for David Paterson as New York's governor.

斯皮策的辞职将于下星期一生效,以便留给纽约州副州长佩特森充足的时间进行权力交接。The resignation takes effect next Monday in order to give Lieutenant Governor David Paterson time for an orderly transition.

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作家约翰·奥哈拉借着出版他一部小说的机会,承认他“害怕伊莎贝尔·帕特森”。The author John O'Hara confessed, on the occasion of the release of one of his novels, that he was "afraid of Isabel Paterson."

凯瑟琳·佩特森是当今世界上获奖众多最受欢迎的美国儿童文学家之一。Katherine Paterson is one of the most highly acclaimed award-winning American authors of children's literature in the world today.

2008年,来自于纽约的众议员韦纳和史蒂夫·伊斯雷尔站在纽约州州长大卫·A·帕特森的身旁,后者刚结束了对伊拉克和阿富汗的访问归来。Representatives Weiner and Steve Israel of New York flanked Gov. David A. Paterson after returning from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan.