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参加女同性爱派对?Attending a lesbian sex party?

禁止他们出席。They were banned from attending.

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我有一位好医生照料我。I have a good doctor attending me.

而我妹妹当时在读大学。and my sister was attending college.

你们中的一些是否也正计划加入呢?Are any of you planning on attending?

我会去墨尔本中专学校上学。I'll be attending the Melbourne Tafe.

牧师与师母将前往参加。Pastor Pai and wife will be attending.

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他被迫参加该聚会。He was dragooned into attending the party.

她是被迫参加聚会的。She was dragooned into attending the party.

替我问候你主治大夫。The attending doctor for my regards to you.

替我问候你主治大夫。Thee attending doctor for my regards to you.

在国外许学习有很多的优点。Attending schools abroad has many advantages.

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要取得现场验船师的满意。To the satisfaction of the attending surveyor.

他们赏光出席我的展览会。They did me the honor of attending my exhibition.

越来越多的宝贝得到全托幼儿园的照顾。More Children Are Attending Full-Day Kindergarten.

所有的鳄鱼不都在参加动物大会么??All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting.

成绩好的学生免上自修课。Good students are exempted from attending study hall.

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在我参加拉斯维加斯世界鞋展后,我是如此地惊讶…。I'm SO surprised after attending the World Shoe Assn.

但是,这些学生有没有兴趣成为一名医生。The students are instead attending a mini-med school.

关于出席第三次中日韩领导人会议V. Attending the third China-Japan-South Korea Summit