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好吧。Well, alright.

有点疯狂,不过没问题。Hectic, but alright.

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已经没问题了。It has been alright.

谢天谢地,终于好了。Okay. Thanks, alright.

茱莉亚,你还好吧?Julia, are you alright?

没有,好的,谢谢你。Good? Alright thank you.

一切都很好的。Everything will be alright.

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但是没关系。没事的。But it's alright. It's okay.

好吧,那泰国菜听起来如何?So, does Thai sound alright?

可不知怎地,我却没有这样做。I know you got me be alright.

中士麦克你没事吧?。Sarge! Mike, are you alright?

好,这张卡要多少钱?Alright. How much does it cost?

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这里有韩国学生吗?好的。Anyone from Korea here? Alright.

试一下这杯。Now let's try this one, alright.

好让我运行下程序。Alright I'm just going to do that.

太好了,找袜子。Excellent, look for sock, alright.

我将确保你万事无忧。I'll make your everything alright.

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梦音好,你可以回到驻地了。Alright , you may return to station.

我数到三,咱们一起跳,行吗?When I count to three, jump, alright?

好,现在我该怎么办呢?I have a bug. Alright. Now what do I do?