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我一边拿纸巾擤鼻涕一边问他。I ask as I splutter into a tissue.

雨水打得油灯噼啪响。The rain caused the lamp to splutter.

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捏住他的鼻子,阿妹,他就会呼噜呼噜地醒过来。Hold him by the nose, dearie, then he'll splutter and wake up.

每一个音节的衔接她都尽力做到清晰流畅,丝毫也没有吞音或结巴。She uttered each syllable with controlled clarity, and without a splutter or stammer.

医生除了电话通知卫生部发生了多少次咳嗽,多少唾沫飞溅外,还有其他更有意义的事情可以做。Doctors have better things to do than telephone the health department with every cough and splutter.

旅馆电梯停止了运转,甚至连河内的法式咖啡馆里的咖啡机也无法工作。Hotel lifts get stuck, and even the espresso machines in Hanoi’s Parisian-style cafés splutter to a halt.

但是就在中国石油需要增长的时候,大庆的油泵工作出现了杂乱声。But just as Chinas demand for oil is surging, the pumps on the Da Qing oil field are starting to splutter.

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当我告诉朋友们我在业余时间就干这个,她们的反映总是不相信,会咕咕哝哝地问,“你竟为了钱脱光衣服?”When I tell my friends that this is what I do with my spare time, the reaction is usually one of disbelief. "You take off your clothes for money?", they splutter.

当我告诉朋友们我业余时间做这一行时,他们的反应通常是难以置信。“你为了钱脱衣服吗?”,他们激动地说。When I tell my friends that this is what I do with my spare time, the reaction is usually one of disbelief. "You take off your clothes for money?", they splutter.

殖民时代结束的印度,现在数十亿被强制性地从农业耕地转入城市工业经济,周期开始仓促之前它才勉强开始。In postcolonial India and China, where billions are now being coerced into a transition from agrarian to urban industrial economies, this cycle had barely begun before it began to splutter.