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还有些学员划船在水上训练。Some cadets went boating.

我们去湖上划船吧。Let's go boating on the lake.

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晨曦朦胧,荡舟尼罗河。Boating in the twilight of Nile.

人们喜欢到那里荡舟。People like to go boating there.

那就先划船。放松一下心情。Go boating first. Relax your mood.

适用于捆绑、货网、船舶。Used for binding, netting, boating.

生活是逆水行舟,不进则退。Life is boating against the current.

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我们去兴庆公园划船好不好呀?Shall we go boating in Xingqing Park?

这条河太浅,船不能行使。This river is too shallow of boating.

7月里,他时常带她去荡舟。In July he took her boating frequently.

我们可以去中山公园划船吗?Shall we go boating in Zhongshan Park ?

河中有两人在荡舟。There are two men boating in the river.

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我们每个周末都到湖上划船。We go boating on the lake every weekend.

我们每个周末都有到湖上划船。We go boating on the lake every weekend.

有人看到一些女孩在湖里划船。Some girls are found boating in the lake.

你为什么不去玄武湖公园划船呢?Why don't you go boating in Xuan Wu Lake?

在苏州耦园行舟。Boating at Suzhou's Couple Garden Retreat.

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早上,我们去泅水和荡舟。In the morning, we go swimming and boating.

早上,我们去游泳和划船。In the morning, we go swimming and boating.

一夜伯牙乘船游览。One night, he was boating for sight-seeing.