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这房间给人以寒冷阴郁的感觉。The room struck cold and cheerless.

在这样一个阴郁的雨天,没有人会感到高兴的。Nobody will be cheerful on such a cheerless rainy day.

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无人喝彩的赛季终于结束了,你该走了。A cheerless season comes to a bad end. You are relegated.

已经是十一月底了,天色十分阴暗。It was the end of November and the day was very cheerless.

当别的版面办的红红火火的时候,我们的英语角冷冷清清。The E-corner is so cold and cheerless while many area are prosperous now.

这些形容词都指不高兴的性情。These adjectives mean having a broodingly cheerless aspect or disposition.

我意外地发现他住在如此单调而阴郁的环境中。I was surprised to find him living in such drab and cheerless surroundings.

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有时候,一点儿天真的嬉戏会使阴郁单调的生活增添一点生气。The cheerless monotony was sometimes enlivened with a little innocent merriment.

没有那盏灯,旅人就会双目失明,旅程也会变得多么阴暗而凄凉!Without that lamp how blind the traveller would be, and how black and cheerless the journey!

展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.

看这张图片,黑白两色的装饰,是不单调、冷清了些呢?See this piece of picture, black and white and dichromatic adornment, be not drab, cold and cheerless some?

早晨,他还在做着一个愉快的梦,几个人在这寒冷而凄凉的房间里走动,把他弄醒了。In the morning he was aroused out of a pleasant dream by several men stirring about in the cold, cheerless room.

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历秋辰早上来店里看店里没人,问汪掌柜怎么这么冷清。Through the autumn morning to see no one in the shop in the store, ask wang shopkeeper how so cold and cheerless.

在孤儿院里,邓不利多被带到一个冰冷的房间中,而少年汤姆·里德尔正用冰冷的目光凝望着他。Inside the orphanage, Dumbledore is led to a cheerless room and is greeted by the cold stare of the young Tom Riddle.

我不喜欢第三个是因为我不喜欢有动物的画而且我认为它看起来太冷清。The reason I don't like the third one is I don't like animals on the pictures and I think it looks too cold and cheerless.

一大清早我们就从郊区开始坐车,我们把衣领高竖到耳朵上,懒洋洋的坐在那,一群沉闷的,没有言语的人。During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears, a cheerless and taciturn bunch.

看看论坛的冷清,难道我们真的被美国暴雪蒙住了眼睛,非要把咱们的人民币变成美元,送到国外?See the cold and cheerless , BBS are we really are American blizzard icouldn to put our RMB into dollars, to foreign countries?

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没有星星点缀而只有月亮高悬的夜空多么清寂,请让我拥有一个群星闪耀、月光皎洁、交相辉映的美好夜空吧!A starless sky with a solitary moon would be dull and cheerless , why not let there be a moonlit night resplendent with twinkling stars.

弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的—年。When our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects.

弗利格尔师长教师接咱们的高三英文课时,我就筹办着在这门最最枯燥寡味的课上再熬上烦闷的一年。When our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for thellord-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects.