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运用视觉教具。Use visual aids.

欢迎来到视觉炸弹!Welcom to Visual Bomb!

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可见显示数据?。VDD? Visual Display Data?

直观显示装置?。VDU? Visual Display Unit?

可视景象分析?。VSA? Visual Scene Analysis?

可视化系统管理器?。VSM? Visual System Manager?

他有良好的视觉记忆。He has a good visual memory.

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虚拟网络可视化?。VNV? Virtual Network Visual?

直观记录计算机?。VRC? Visual Record Computer?

它是一个干脆利落的视觉冲击。It has a crisp visual impact.

我称之为文学的和视觉。I call the literary and visual.

一个可视化内容聚合系统a visual content mash-up system.

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有很多视觉辅具还是一点点?Lots of visual aids or only a few?

可视通信会议?。VCC?Visual Communication Congress?

在象形图中视觉线索是关键。Visual cues are key in pictograms.

指标和声光报警。Audible and visual indicator alarm.

视觉陈列中色彩的运用Using Color in Visual Merchandising

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直观搜索缩微胶片文件?。VSMF? Visual Search Microfilm File?

必须要听,还要看。We have to put the audio visual up.

密歇根州的秋天对人们来说是一种视觉享受。Autumn in Michigan is a visual treat.