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她比以前更讲究穿着了。She has been more dressy than before.

在办公室,所以我的穿着要讲究。At an office, so we need to be dressy.

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你能帮我挑一件美美的礼服?Could you help me pick up a dressy dress?

你能不能帮我挑一件漂亮的礼服?Could you help me pick up a dressy dress?

在现今轻松的气氛之下,正式的场合就不多见了。Dressy occasions are becoming rare in today's casual atmosphere.

我一直觉得穿它上班太讲究了﹐所以只有晚上出去时才穿。I always thought it was too dressy for work so I only wear it out at night.

干洗做工精细考究的牛仔裤。干洗可洗净衣物并保持原色不折旧。Dry-clean dressy jeans. This will keep the rinse darker and fresher-looking.

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咖啡馆通常比高级餐馆便宜,装潢也没有高级餐馆那么讲究。Coffee shops are usually less expensive and less dressy than fine restaurants.

最好是平底或者中低跟的鞋子。For shoes, women would do best to wear either dressy flats or mid to low heels.

色彩也会影响服装情调,可以使它显得潇酒或者时髦。Color can also affect the mood of a garment, making it appear informal or dressy.

但是我们需要穿的衣服,休闲装,有时中间“讲究服装的休闲”。But we will need clothes for dress, casual wear, and sometimes sort of in-between "dressy casual".

衣着裤子和衬衣,时髦针织衫,裙子,上衣都是指企业燕服。Dressy pants and a blouse, sleekjerseyknits and skirts and tops are all examples of corporate casual.

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那是一个商人的形状,穿着讲究的皮鞋,宽松的长裤,带领的衬衫卷着袖子。It was the shape of a businessman with dressy shoes, slacks, and the rolled sleeves of a collared shirt.

它简单,进来一些强的颜色和几乎看起来一双更加爱装饰的鞋子以偶然格式。Its simple, yet comes in some strong colors and almost looks a bit like a more dressy shoe in casual format.

这对镀黑铬色大圈耳环兼备经典与时尚风格,可为任何场合添上魅力点缀。With this classic and dressy pair of ruthenium-plated hoop earrings, add a touch of glamour to any occasion.

花园婚礼通常是女式的事务,但只有那些亮片和珠绣礼服实在太高了。Garden weddings are usually dressy affairs, but ones for which sequined and beaded dresses are simply too much.

特别是对于女职员,为生意场合精心着装与为纯粹社交场合精心着装并不一样。For women especially, dressy clothes for business occasions are not the same as dressy clothes for purely social occasions.

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跳一夜的舞能带来不少欢乐,但是如果你不习惯穿几个小时正装鞋的话,那给你带来的就是第二天的伤痛。A night of dancing can be loads of fun, but if you're not used to it, those hours wearing dressy shoes can leave you sore the next day.

我有两套校服,一套绿的和一套褐色的女服,还有一条缀着三排花边的女服,是过节穿的,穿着去面试太花哨了。I had two school uniforms, a green dress, a brown dress, and one dress with three rows of frills for Sunday, too dressy for an interview.

这少女就其身份而言,穿得过份考究。手指上戴着一两枚宝石戒指,弹琴时戒指在她雪白的手指上闪光。This young woman was particularly dressy for her station, and wore a jewelled ring or two which flashed upon her white fingers as she played.