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宽恕是什么?What is Forgiveness?

对他人的宽恕。Forgiveness of others.

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它破坏了宽恕。It destroys forgiveness.

我相信宽恕的力量。I believe in forgiveness.

他恳求她的宽恕。He begged her forgiveness.

他还请求妻子原谅自己。He also begged her forgiveness.

宽恕并无过犯。Forgiveness is not Condemnation.

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西奥多恳求怜悯和宽恕。He begs for mercy and forgiveness.

这正是宽恕他人的关键。And that's the crux of forgiveness.

宽恕是自爱之行。Forgiveness is an act of self-love.

我们又该如何接受上帝的宽仁之心?How do we accept God's forgiveness?

您对这样列表添加宽恕。On your to-do-list add forgiveness.

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在你的任务清单上加上宽容这一项。On your to-do-list add forgiveness.

我学会了感恩与宽恕。I learned gratitude and forgiveness.

请求原谅或许可以医治创伤,先生。Asking forgiveness might cure it, sir.

快乐源于宽恕——不妨一试。Forgiveness creates happiness – try it!

原谅会为所有人都甜美化梦想。Forgiveness sweetens the dream for all.

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认识到宽恕的益处。Recongnize the benefits of forgiveness.

留情是强者才具有的品格。Forgiveness is the option of the strong.

没有宽恕,何谈未来?Without forgiveness , there's no future.