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今天,我们有一个伟大的大山雀奶油馅饼。Today we have a great Big Tit Cream Pie.

一只长尾山雀飞落在树枝上。A long-tailed tit alighted on the branch.

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哈玛斯与法塔之间上演着一场巴勒斯坦风格的互相残杀的游戏。It is a game of Tit for Tat between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian style.

比尔上个星期下象棋赢了我,结果今晚我胜了他――因此我们以牙还牙。Bill beat me at chess last week and I beat him tonight-so I am tit for tat.

大山雀的巢成功率最低,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest.

而这一行为很可能会引发一系列针锋相对的互相驱逐行为。And this behavior is likely to trigger a series of tit for tat expulsions with each other.

数量在下降的动物包括,河鼠,杓鹬,刺猬,斑鸠和山雀。Other animals in decline include the water vole, curlew, hedgehog, turtle dove and willow tit.

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这就是为什麽帝雉、蓝腹鹇和黄山雀被遴选为台湾国鸟的候选鸟。That is why Swinhoe's Pheasant, Mikado Pheasant and Yellow Tit are candidates for National Bird.

我以为唯有被喜的喜才会以为幸运,倘若喜的不喜那么就算全球的都喜还是会以为很孤独吧?If the person you like doesn t like you, wouldn tit still be lonely even if the whole world loves you?

他上次没请我去KTV,而我这一次也不打算邀请他。针锋相对嘛!I decided not to invite him to KTV because she didn't invite me to his last time. It was just tit for tat.

自从印度在1974年开启核武竞赛后,巴基斯坦也以牙还牙地发展核武。Ever since India began the nuclear arms race in 1974, Pakistan has responded tit -for-tat to every development.

一天,黛博.黛薇丝听见窗外有一只熊宝宝在叫,她认为熊妈妈应该就在附近,所以没理会牠。One day Deb Davis heard a baby bear outside her window. She thought its mother was nearby, so she lef tit alone.

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这样你的自信就会减少,但我经常在网络会议中听到这句话。I ve heard this many times at networking events. You lose credibility and your ego and confidence gets deflated doesn tit?!

“我们非常害怕会出现针锋相对的情况,”他补充道,尽管承认说,反中国的言论是“好的政治手段”。“We're very leery of a tit for tat situation,” he added, while acknowledging that the anti-China rhetoric is “good politics.

目的了解部队新兵对性生理基础知识的知晓状况,有针对性地展开健康教育。Objective To learn about the privates' basic knowledge of sexual physiology, and to carry out a"tit for tat"education on sexual health.

“地排式房屋结构”与“墙排产品”出现了针锋相对的矛盾。"Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat.

一些关于爱情和恩仇的电影、歌曲教人有恩报恩、有仇报仇和针锋相对。The films and songs about love and revenge and friendship teach young people to give kiadness for kindness, hatred for hatred and tit for tat.

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个性冲突的两人针锋相对,高冷舞痴与精分队长的斗法,由此开始。The two people that individual character conflicts give tit for tat, tall Leng Wuchi and element of essence of life match powers longly, begin from this.

这种思维模式与戏剧的意志冲突精神是针锋相对的,是导致中国戏曲姗姗来迟的一个重要原因。The mode of thinking is tit for tat to the nature spirit of drama in the conflict of wills, and it caused the Chinese traditional drama been slow in coming.

一开始,饥饿的大山雀隔着透明的玻璃瓶用嘴去啄,当然,这是枉费心机。A start, the hungry great tit is away from the transparent glass jar to go to the calligraphy stroke with the mouth, certainly, this is a throw caution to the winds.