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我没有The,Coop的股份。I don't own shares in The Coop.

那只老母鸡在笼子里咯咯地叫。The old hen clicked in the coop.

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我们只得把狗整天关起来。We have to coop the dog up all day.

加入社区农场或杂货鸡舍。Join a community farm or grocery coop.

此法也适用去除鸡笼中的臭味。And it is also used to deodorize the coop.

在校园里可以买到,好的,下一行。Available at the Harvard Coop. Alright, next line.

这是第二版,在the,coop可以买到。It's out in second edition. It's available at The Coop.

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王子在后面紧追不舍,她只好跳进鸽子房并把门关上。However, she eluded him and jumped into the pigeon coop.

将吊笼空载提升300毫米左右高度停止。Lift the suspension coop vacant load for 300mm and stop.

我问她“这些鸽子是从你爸爸的屋顶鸽子棚里飞出来的吗?”"Are those pigeons from your father's roof-top coop?" I ask her.

而且,要是没有天敌,也没必要用鸡笼。And if there are no predators, there's really no need for a coop.

吊笼内一次提升标准节不得超过两只。The standard section lifted in the suspension coop can't surpass 2.

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吊笼由角钢和槽钢焊接而成。The suspension coop is welded by the angle steel and channel steel.

下列书单可见于库博书店的书架上。The following books are available for purchase at the Coop Bookstore.

吊笼上装有10个滚轮与导轨架相靠,做相互运动。The suspension coop has 10 rolling wheel to touch with the guiding track.

将吊笼放到底座上,装上吊杆及手摇起重机。Put the suspension coop on the base, install suspension shaft and hand crane.

合作社在成立后的三年里已经从20人发展到差不多300人的规模了。The coop has ballooned from just 20 members three years ago to nearly 300 today.

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鸡舍抱蛋的母鸡看见食物来了,一个箭步冲向饲料,抢先进食。The one in chicken coop dashed toward the food when she saw it and gobbled first.

修正合作玩家的热键总是自动设置为数字5的问题。Fixed an issue where the other player in a coop games hotkeys were always set to 5.

描述一个穷困的盗窃犯克鲁因一次行窃失手而被关进了监狱。Describe a destitute larcener Ke Lu because of thieve accidentally drop by coop jail.