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濒危的国家重见曙光。The endangered state multiplex to dawn.

诽谤者指责这张照片最近被多次放映过。Defamer snapped this photo at a recent multiplex screening.

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著名的戛纳电影城就掩映在海岸线边的椰树下。The famous cannes multiplex is set in the edge of coconut trees.

它是一种多载波调制技术,同时也是一种复用技术。It is a type of multi-carrier modulation and a technology of multiplex.

这可以支持在单个队列上复用多个服务访问。This allows to multiplex multiple service accesses over a single queue.

以基因质粒为模板,检测巢式多重PCR体系的灵敏度。Sensitivity for multiplex nested PCR and RT-PCR was examined separately.

肺炎是目前临床常见和多发病之一,在中医学上属于风温肺热病范筹。Pneumonia is one of the common and multiplex diseases in clinical practice.

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研究了两轮多重反转录巢式PCR扩增全长基因的方法。The method of multiplex reverse transcription-nested-double PCR was studied.

其输入变压器采用移相技术,以实现多重化整流。Its input transformer adopts phase-shift technology to implement a multiplex rectifier.

电磁阀常用于监控多路信号的通断。Electromagnetic valve is often used to detect and control the status of multiplex signal.

介绍了双向复用段倒换环的工作原理。This paper describes the principle of the bidirectional multiplex section switching ring.

许多开发商花了大价钱去买房产,希望多元经营来收回成本。Many developers paying high prices for real estate want a multiplex to help cover the cost.

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名贵药材种植、销售等多元化经营的企业。Precious multiplex management and so on raw material for medicine planter, sale enterprise.

仿真结果表明MCCS复合系统抑制多径干扰的能力得到了明显提升。Experimental data proves that the multiplex system based on MCCS effectively suppresses PMI.

在直播卫星系统中,实际传输中均采用多路节目数据流动态统计复用方式。The video stream will be transferred through the multiplex methods in the actual DTH system.

本文介绍了综合比相式新型接地与相间距离继电器。This paper introduces a new multiplex phase-comparison type ground and phase distance relay.

解决这个问题的一种方法是多路复用所有事件到同一服务器连接上。One way to alleviate this problem is to multiplex all events onto the same server connection.

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本文主要分析单板的多路开关采样和多芯片通讯的实现方法。In this paper, we emphasize on multiplex switch sampling by MCS51 and multi-chip communication.

常需进行多路数据的传送和处理。The date collection and transmission system usually needs to transmit and process multiplex date.

给出一种使用GAL的双机热备份多路开关量采集系统的设计。A kind of design of two unit standby multiplex switch signal acquisition system using GAL is given.