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对斑枭也一样。Similarly the spotted owl.

攀冰也是同样纯粹的运动。Ice climbing is similarly pure.

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同样的事情也发生在网络上。and similarly online, you know.

而“夏季”小鼠也按同样分法被一分为二。The summer mice were similarly split.

与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。The woman with him was similarly attired.

语音知识的功能相当类似。Phonic knowledge operates quite similarly.

显然,天气也同样异变。Apparently, weather is similarly vulnerable.

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关于肼的说法也同样可疑。The hydrazine argument is similarly suspect.

其他增加收入的渠道似乎同样富于幻想。Other revenue-raisers look similarly fanciful.

这与处理同xz-面的平行平面相似。Similarly for planes parallel to the xz plane.

弗莱彻的风格也是类似,踢得兢兢业业。Fletcher is a similarly conscientious character.

这种装置的运转情况与叶轮泵很相似。This device operates similarly to the vane pump.

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网络有着类似的曲折历史。The network has had a similarly checkered history.

达尔文的象龟观察也同样有问题。Darwin similarly botched his tortoise observations.

银和钯同样面临宽松的市场。Silver and palladium face a similarly loose market.

林下的木本植物同样亦发育不全。Understorey woody plants were similarly depauperate.

大学的金融系通常表现都差不多。University finance departments often behave similarly.

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而且这个对于Scratch来说是也是更有结构性的。And it's also much more similarly structured to Scratch.

我怀疑喷涂在“她”上面的混凝土也是类似的原理。I suspect the concrete spray in Herself works similarly.

硫黄和硫酸的交货量也可用类似方法测定。Sulfur or sulfuric deliveries can be similarly measured.