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舟骨骨折之后没有完全恢复。怎么办?Did not restore completely after navicular fracture. How to do?

左手舟骨腰部骨折3个月能否活动?Fracture of waist of left hand navicular 3 months whether activity?

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配件舟骨脚的最对症的骨头之一。The accessory navicular bone is one of the most symptomatic bones of the foot.

目的总结月骨缺血性坏死的临床特点及各期影像学检查的征象。Objective Provide a new operative method to treat ischemic necrosis of navicular.

目的探讨一种良好的治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合的方法,丰富治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合的手术方式。Objective To find a better method to the treatment of un-union of navicular bone fracture.

方法在解剖学研究基础上,设计带血管的第一楔骨骨膜瓣植入舟状骨。Methods Based on the anatomic study, the vascularized periosteal flat of the first cuneiform bone was designed to transplant into navicular.

目的提高对严重外尿道口及舟状窝部尿道狭窄的治疗效果。Objective To evaluate the urethra-lengthening technique in the management of stricture of the external orifice and navicular fossa of urethra.

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结论带血管蒂桡骨茎突骨瓣植入治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合疗效满意。Conclusion Effects of implantation of malleolus radialis with vascularized periosteal flap for disunion of fracture of carpal navicular is satisfying.

手腕舟骨骨折进行钢钉固定康复后,仍然有持续性疼痛,应该注意什么?进行怎样的治疗?After artifice navicular fracture undertakes steel nails fixed rehabilitation, still have durative ache, what should notice? What kind of treatment to have?

目的探讨带血管蒂桡骨茎突骨瓣植入治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合的方法及疗效。Objective To explore the methods and therapeutic effect of implantation of malleolus radialis with vascularized periosteal flap for disunion of fracture of carpal navicular.