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讲的话再多,也只会被事实的真相给揭穿而无意义。Talk too much, also will expose by the fact and become unmeaning.

而现在的很多时间却在一些无意义的事情中流过,真是可惜!It is a pity that time is passing during the unmeaning things everyday.

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我完全相信这个无意义的角色,但并不驱逐他。Of its unmeaning character, too, I was entirely persuaded, yet that did not banish it.

他们花很多时间在睡觉,聊天,玩电脑游戏或其他没有意义的事情。They spend a lot of time in sleeping chatting playing computer games or other unmeaning matters.

他们花很多时间在睡觉,聊天,玩游戏或者其他没有意义的事情上。They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning matters.

那圣洁的孩子在乏味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

全有意义的云彩和瞬息变幻的光与暗,在这些玩具之间,崇高的孩子展露笑颜。There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

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世界对你,就好似老奶奶摇动纺车时低声吟唱的小曲,无意义无目的,又充满随心所欲的想象。The world to you is like an old woman's chant at her spinning-wheel, unmeaning rhymes crowded with random images.

首先,是人工智慧本质上是对无意义符号的操弄,有意义的行为并不存在于机器中。First, Artificial Intelligence is to manipulate the unmeaning signal, the meaningful behavior is not in the machine.

泰迪熊自然粗糙的质感和呆板的眼神,可能是它惹人怜爱的原因。Maybe, the natural rough quality and the unmeaning eye expression_r are the reason why Teddy Bear is loved by lots of people.

泰迪熊天然精细的质感和板滞的眼神,能够是它引人爱怜的缘由。Maybe, the natural rough quality and the unmeaning eye expression_r_r are the reason why Teddy Bear is loved by lots of people.

我没有把它们放在心上,但是热蒸汽以及充满气泡的蒸汽在懒惰的幻想的漩涡周围发着泡和打着旋,毫无目的,也没意义。My mind had nothing in it but hot vapour, and vapour-filled bubbles frothed and eddied round a vortex of lazy fancy, aimless and unmeaning.

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而我国博物馆旅游仍然面临着产品形式单一、管理经营方式缺乏灵活性和科学化、市场开发手段落后等诸多问题。But museum-tourism in our country is facing many problems, such as then products singularity, unmeaning management and lapping developing form.

人们已经不满足于以往呆板的网络应用,从而音视频技术的应用得到了较大的发展。People already don't satisfy with the unmeaning network application, then the application of frequency and video technologies have been well developed.

我不能相信英国中上阶级甘心充当鼓面听任首相敲打,发出空洞无物的响声,而不发出他们自己清晰的声音。I can not believe that the gentry of England will be made mere drumheads to be sounded upon by a prime minister to give forth unmeaning and empty sounds, and to have no articulate voice of their own.