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你会支付他们每月的开支。You will defray their monthly expenses.

补助金帮助支付旅行费用。The grant helped defray the expenses of the trip.

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在您付杂费的同时我们要支付这笔费用We defray this charge when you pay your sundry fees bill

如果我帮他们忙,他们愿付我的旅费。They will defray the cost of my trip if I do them a favor.

资本性支出包括为在建的百度大厦而发生的。Capital sex defray includes what happen to be in inclusive Baidu mansion.

公司将能够补偿成本并为纳税人减少支出。Corporations will be able to defray costs and reduce bills for taxpayers.

他的农舍之旅可以帮他支付两个夏季牧场的人工费用。His bunkhouse vacations help defray the expense of two summer ranch hands.

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此外,洛杉矶已开通一个网站,呼吁杰克逊歌迷捐款,帮助弥补这笔开销。The city has also set up a website urging fans to make donations to help defray costs.

作为一名想获得资助的学生,最简易的途径或许就是从学校内部得到帮助。If you have a high scores, you may be given a teaching assistantship to help defray costs.

资本性支出包括为在建的百度大厦而发生的相关支出。Capital sex defray includes the relevant pay that happens to be in inclusive Baidu mansion.

用“打土豪”罚款的方法筹措军费,只能是临时的和部分的。Expropriation of the local tyrants was only a temporary measure to defray part of the army's expenses.

有人说来自列支敦士登的1亿欧元保释金,应该被用于支付他们的损失。Some say Mr Meinl's €100m bail, paid by a source in Liechtenstein, should be used to defray their losses.

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高铁的最大受益者是那些无需为高铁建设承担成本的公司。这些人也就是货运商。Among the biggest beneficiaries of the high-speed rail system are firms that contribute nothing to defray its costs.

幸而身边还有两个旧日的丫鬟伏侍,主仆三人,日夜作些针线发卖,帮着父亲用度。Luckily she still HAD her two maids, and the three of them by sewing day and night helped to defray Feng Su'sexpenses.

金融界运营支出的季度下滑,主要由于股权奖励支出和专家费用下滑。The quarter of financial operation expenses glides , because equity rewards defray and expert charge, basically glide.

高铁网的最大受益者之一是众多无需承担建设成本的公司。Among the biggest beneficiaries of the high-speed rail system are companies that contribute nothing to defray its costs.

请另用A4大小的纸张说明预计收入来源详情,以及如何用于减低活动成本。Please provide details of sources of income and how the income will be used to defray cost on a separate sheet of A4 size paper.

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为何他们没有建议自己的议会增加税收以帮助偿还英国的债务并支付英国在保卫美国边界时的开销?Why did they not suggest that their own legislatures raise a tax to help repay England's debt and defray costs of defending the frontier.

其他关于现下就业情况的批评主要集中在学生贷款上——值得大家同情的是,法学院的巨额学生贷款可着实不容易偿还。Other criticisms of the current climate have focused on debt, bemoaning that gargantuan loans for law school aren't exactly easy to defray.

2010年,他因自己的慈善行动又获得了巴黎百富勤奖,同时还包括5万欧元的奖金用以帮助支付他的学生正在上涨的学费。In 2010, he received a BNP Paribas Award for individual philanthropy, including €50, 000 to help defray his students’ growing tuition bills.