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价格定在CAt C.

瞧瞧我们俩。Look at us!

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在会议室开始。At the room.

在午餐时间。At lunchtime.

他在工作处。He's at work.

终于到家了。Home at last.

在博物馆。At the museum.

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你生我的气吗?You mad at me?

夜间班。At night class.

在一个地方用膳。Eat at a place.

你天刚亮就起床吗?Get up at dawn?

我瞪着他。I stare at him.

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现在还没有。Not at present.

在南希·萧家。At Nancy Shaw's.

往家给我拨打电话。Dial me at home.

他对我笑了笑。He smiled at me.

他向我使个眼色。He winked at me.

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我马上就开始了。I began at once.

我瞥了他一眼。I glance at him.

我估量她大要35岁。I put her at 35.