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破坏,搓招和胜利!Destroy, knead and win!

不多不少,捏成两个泥人。No less, knead into two clay figurine.

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她感到他在按摩她酸痛的肌肉。She felt him knead the aching muscles.

加入一些盐,水并把面粉和匀。Add some salt, water and knead properly.

全部混合均匀后,充分揉好面团。Mix everything and knead well and truly.

将生面团揣上五到十分钟。Scrape up dough and knead for 5 to 10 mins.

将面团从锅中取出,在案板上揉捏5分钟。Turn out on counter and knead for 5 minutes.

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在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.

一位面包师正在揉面团。On a floured surface knead the dough until smooth.

要达到最佳效果,最好持续按摩挤奶包。For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.

用此手法按摩整个右背部和上臂。Use this to knead the whole right back and fore-arm.

怕见到你,我的心又会再一次的被捏碎。Fear to see you, my heart again again of is knead ground.

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揉面机慢速揉面直到面粉凝聚在一起。Let the mixer knead slowly until the dough comes together.

它揉面的时候我可以去做别的事情。I can let it go and knead the dough while I do other things.

如上文所说,我揉匹萨面团的时间比原来要短。That said, I knead pizza dough for less time than I used to.

用发酵粉、盐和适量的水和好面。Mix baking soda, salt and enough water to knead a soft dough.

它可能是必要的,轻轻揉管前配药。It may be necessary to gently knead the tube prior to dispensing.

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如果需要,另外捏一团面粉加入生面团中使它易于操作。If needed, knead in additional flour to make dough easy to handle.

然后把它倒上一个撒上面粉的木板,揉到它不再粘黏为止。Tip out on to a floured board and knead until it is no longer sticky.

在砧板上搓揉搅匀的面粉,直到变得软且有弹性。Knead the mixture on a lightly floured board until smooth and elastic.