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她的魅力存在于她的活泼。Her charm resides in her vivacity.

这是我,快活和可爱的女孩!This is me, a vivacity and lovely girl!

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她的活泼与兴高采烈的情绪把他迷住了。He was charmed by her vivacity and high spirits.

这个可爱的小男孩的快活使我们都受到感染。We are all affected by the vivacity of this lovely little boy.

这个可爱的小男孩的快活使我们都受到感染。We were all affected by the vivacity of this lovely little boy.

我恰好拍到一些神采奕奕的人们的照片,他们的情绪。I just capture the images that speak of vivacity of the people, their moods.

女孩以自己的活泼幽默给未婚夫的亲戚留下了印象。The girl impressed her finance's relatives with her vivacity and sense of humor.

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这个女孩以她的活泼和幽默感给她亲戚们留下了极好的印象。The girl impressed her relatives' favorably with her vivacity and sense of humor.

在另一方面,老年而有热心与活气乃是于事业极好的气质也。On the other side, heat and vivacity in age, is an excellent composition for business.

这个女孩以她的活泼和幽默感给她的未婚夫的亲戚们留下了极好的印象。The girl impressed her fiancee's relatives favorably with her vivacity and sense of humor.

程颢哲学的最大特点就是重视对儒家精神传统——“道”的传承、体认。In the Cheng Hao's philosophy , "Tao" is the heavenly principle with vivacity and animation.

这些舞剧、音乐更具有崭新的鲜明的民族个性,显示着音乐创作的勃勃生机。Exuding a fresh national flavor, these works showed the continued vivacity of musical creation in China.

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精细完整的橡木味,醇厚的口感伴随着令人愉悦的活泼以及有层次架构的单宁。Fine nose with well-integrated oak. Full-bodied on the palate with good vivacity and structured tannins.

死亡之书展揭示了古埃及人来生信仰的深奥和生动The Book of the Dead exhibition reveals the depth and vivacity of the Egyptians' belief in the afterlife

卡利亚里队中有一些速度很快的球员,比如阿夸弗雷斯卡和福贾,他们的主要特点就是很有生气。They have quick players upfront like Acquafresca and Foggia and their main characteristic is the vivacity.

无论你的头发是硬是软,这种发型都能展示你的性感、青春和活泼。It does not matter if the curls are tight or soft, the Afro always conveys sexiness, lushness and vivacity.

虽然我开朗活泼,但是,相对那些大方的女孩,我还是比较羞涩表达自己的感情的女孩。Although vivacity always goes along with me, I am some shy to express my love compared with those more decent.

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“凯瑟琳和埃德加像任何一对夫妇那样互相热爱,”伊莎贝拉带着突然振作起来的精神大叫。Catherine and Edgar are as fond of each other as any two people can be,' cried Isabella, with sudden vivacity.

这种有特点的香味带给这世界上某些最不寻常的咖啡以活力和愉悦。This characteristic scent brings vivacity and sprightliness to some of the most remarkable coffees in the world.

现在男孩的脸上红润生动起来,他神态活泼,笑声充满真正的快乐。There was colour, light, and life in the boy's face now, vivacity in his manner, and genuine merriment in his laugh.