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极权政府是建立一个持久的、扩张的政府。Totalitarians construct a regime that is persistent and expansionist.

在军事扩张主义的推动下,第二次中日战争在1937年爆发了。Fuelled by an expansionist military, the second Sino-Japanese War began in 1937.

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如今,瓦尼又认为谷歌正在重复微软的扩张行为。Now, Varney was suggesting that Google was repeating Microsoft's expansionist behavior.

从一开始,美国就是现代历史上最具扩张主义色彩的大国之一。For starters, the United States has been one of the most expansionist powers in modern history.

然而,对于强调美国历史上始终存在着一小撮扩张主义者,钮金先生并无不妥。Yet Mr Nugent is right to emphasise the persistence of the expansionist strand in American history.

中国毫不讳言,让全世界都了解它领土扩张的野心。China makes no bones about letting people the world over know that it has territorial expansionist ambitions.

周六,穆迪在阿邦帕西加特的一次集会上要求中国摒弃“扩张主义思维”。Modi, at a rally in Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh on Saturday, asked China to shed its "expansionist mindset".

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中国人对世界有很强的扩张欲望,太危险了。美国,日本和印度得小心。Chinese dadagiri is its expansionist desire. It is very dangerous for the world. USA, Japan, India must be careful.

这便是为什么中国的领导人看起来更像是被围困的人,而非开疆拓土的扩张者。This helps explain why Chinese leaders act more like people under siege than like people on an expansionist warpath.

中国是一个侵略性的新兴势力,如同古时的成吉思汗。发动第三次世界大战的会是中国。China is an expansionist new power, like Chenghiz Khan of ancient times. It is China which will start the IIIrd World War.

它们这样做不仅仅是因为扩张主义的贪婪,而且是因为它们不尊重中国伟大的文明。They did so, not only because of expansionist greed, but because they had little respect for the greatness of its civilization.

美欧支持反对派尤先科,是北约、欧盟东扩思想的继续,是对俄罗斯的进一步挤压。The US-EU support for Yushenko was a continuation of the NATO-EU expansionist ideology and a furtherance of pressurizing Russia.

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同样合适的例子还有经雅典议会通过,开始一系列扩张战争的民主决议。The democratic decision to engage in a series of expansionist wars, as sanctioned by the Athenian Assembly, is a similar case in point.

实际上,准确地说冷战前美国在主要的欧洲国家的形象是大不一样的,因为美国没有太多的扩张的欲望。In fact, until the Cold War, the U.S. had a very different image from European great powers precisely because it had few expansionist impulses.

实际上,准确地说冷战前美国在主要的欧洲国家的形象是大不一样的,因为美国没有太多的扩张的欲望。In fact, until the Cold War, the U. S. had a very different image from European great powers precisely because it had few expansionist impulses.

“中国应该摒弃扩张主义政策,为了两国的和平、进步和繁荣而与印度建立双边关系,”他说。"China should shed its expansionist policy and forge bilateral ties with India for peace, progress and prosperity of both the nations, " he said.

这一时期,德国对华贸易扩张政策及所积蓄的经济势力,是威廉二世时期大规模侵华的先声。During this period, Germanys expansionist policy of trade with China and the economic power it had accumulated heralded a large-scale aggression against China in William II administration.

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但如果印度和越南都坚定立场,那么他们可能会迫使中国缓和在南中国海问题上的扩张主义诉求,并在其他地区事务上采取更为妥协的立场。But if both India and Vietnam stand firm, they could force Beijing to moderate its expansionist claims on the South China Sea and adopt a more conciliatory stance on other regional matters.

印度务必以各种尽可能的方式支持越南,从而在亚洲国家中营造友好氛围。India must support Vietnam in all possible ways so as to create friendly atmosphere in Asian countries. The move to support Vietnam will come as a discouragement for China's expansionist view.

现在,已不再是面对这一个强大帝国的威胁,我们面临这各种各样的挑战,从松散的恐怖主义到无视国际秩序或者是面临崩溃的国家。Instead of a hostile expansionist empire, we now face adiverse array of challenges, from a loose network of violent extremists tostates that flout international norms or face internal collapse.