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一个NLP的方法。Swish. A technique from NLP.

它的音调比尼龙发出的“嗖嗖”声低。It less of the nylon ' swish ' to it.

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嗖得一声,一阵风把大家的头发刮了起来。A swish of wind blew which made their hair fly back.

我们能听到水拍打船体时的哗哗声。We could hear the swish and gurgle of water against the hull.

告诉那小男孩别用棍子把花朵抽下来。Tell the boy not to swish the flower heads off with his stick.

“祝你好运,哈利。”他喃喃地说,然后转过身,只听斗篷飕的一声,他已经消失得无影无踪了。He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.

朱莉娅感觉一股风猛地卷起了她的头发,掠过她的脸庞,萧萧作响。Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face.

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然后,用耙子把叶子聚拢到一起时发出了叶子碰撞声。Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together.

然后,使用镊子,浸董事会,在漆稀释剂和Swish来它靠近。Then, using tweezers, dip the board in the lacquer thinner and swish it around.

当今,多数的疾病医生们似乎只要动动笔开个药方,都有办法解决。There are many sicknesses doctors can cure with the swish of a pen across prescription pad.

宾克穿过一片海燕麦田,他听到燕麦发出欢快的窸窣声和汩汩的海潮声。Bink passed a field of sea oats, hearing the pleasant swish and gurgle of their oceanic tides.

后来又有唰唰声,另外,蓝灯,这船边长时间闪烁。Then there was another swish and another long flash of bluish light, this time alongside the boat.

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我经常发觉,单独使用闪变模式效果不佳,但这种方法对我却起了很大作用。I usually find the swish pattern alone to be weak and ineffective, but this method works very well for me.

所以这些公司花费大量的时间在豪华餐厅的雅间内宴请和推动他们的客户购买商品。So they spend vast amounts of time stuffing and lubricating clients in private booths in swish restaurants.

随同着电车忽高忽低的隆隆声,电车顶竿在电线上滑动时收回了沙沙的摩擦声。There is the sliding swish of the trolley poles along the wire, accompanied by the rocking rumble of the car.

不知怎么搞的,一只塑料袋孤零零地跑了出来,一阵风把它吹起来,漂浮在房间里,像一只在海洋中游荡的水母。A lone bag made a break for freedom and buoyed by the swish of air it lifted across the room like a jellyfish.

但是,不要担心-这些鉴赏家也是如此,他们只不过是灌了一肚子发酵的葡萄汁,大声的说唱罢了。But, don’t fret – neither are all those connoisseurs who swish fermented grape juice around and spit it back out.

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当尘暴呼啸而过时,会带走前进路径上较小的沙粒,留下诡异的、涡旋形文身样的深色痕迹。When dust devils swish by, they clear their paths of smaller grains, leaving dark tracks like eerie, swirly tattoos.

朱莉娅感觉一股风猛地卷起了她的头发,掠过她的脸庞,萧萧作响。就像在水流湍急的水中的一只小船。Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river.

只见他扬手一挥,干脆利落地撇出一句话,立刻就轰走了当地的一群小青年,给我们腾出了一张桌子。With a swish of his hand and staccato phrase, he shooed a bevy of young locals away, clearing a table for us in the process.