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那是你的堂哥吗?Is that your cousin?

她是我的第一代堂姐妹。He's my first cousin.

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她是我堂妹凯特。She is my cousin Kate.

他靠他的表兄生活。He feeds on his cousin.

彤彤是我的表妹。Tung Tung is my cousin.

看,这是我堂妹。Look, this is my cousin.

我的堂姐有一只小鸡。My cousin has a chicken.

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我的堂弟养了只老鼠。My cousin has a pet rat.

我表兄喜欢猜谜语。My cousin likes puzzles.

我知道,-,他是我的一个表哥。I know -Who was a cousin.

表弟住在奶奶家。Cousin in grandma's house.

那么你一定是我的远亲了。Then you must be my cousin.

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她是我的第一代堂姐妹。She is a first cousin to me.

我堂姐同我一样大。My cousin is the same age me.

穿红衣服的女孩是我的堂妹。The girl in red is my cousin.

这是吉尔赛那斯,我的堂兄。This is Gilthanas, my cousin.

这是我表弟亚历山大。This is my cousin Alessandro.

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你难道是哪位失踪已久的老表?Are you some long-lost cousin?

我表姐在中国航空公司工作。My cousin works for Air China.

吹牛与说谎话本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousin.