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当概要文件被验证时,它只是做简单的语法验证。It is checked only for syntactical validity when the profile itself is validated.

该Toad扩展可以对数据库相关代码进行语义和语法上的验证。The Toad Extension does semantical and syntactical validation of the database related code.

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注意这个功能是定义在句法层次上的,但是是在编译时实现的。Note that this feature is defined at the syntactical level, but implemented at compile time.

从而形成了模糊谓词演算一种新的语构与语义体系。Thus a kind of new syntactical and semantical systems of fuzzy predicate calculus are formed.

本变换是不依赖于使用该标识符处代码的句法上的上下文的。This transformation is independent of the syntactical context in which the identifier is used.

存现句作为一种句法现象在汉英两种语言中普遍存在,汉英存现句有同有异。As a syntactical phenomenon, existential sentences are widely used both in Chinese and English.

阿甘是混乱的词汇和句法中诞生的经典白痴形象。Forrest Gump is a classical idiot who comes into being in the lexical and syntactical babelism.

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生成语法对词汇语义与句法界面的关注大致可以分为三个阶段。Generative grammar' s concern of lexical meaning and syntactical interface is comprised of three stages.

主要从句法功能入手,对“式”作为类词缀的一族词进行考察和分析,认为带“式”的这一族词属于区别词。This paper proceeds with syntactical functions and investigates the clan words of "form" as para-suffix.

在句法功能上,它可以充当主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语等各种句子成分。In its syntactical function, it can serve as subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial and complement.

这种句法决策使您在抽象类继承的实现方面有一定的灵活性。This syntactical decision gives you a degree of flexibility in the implementation of abstract-class derivatives.

除此之外,更需要知道何及如何运用这些不同的词类。In addition to the syntactical functions, you must also know when and how to use the different sentence patterns.

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本文试从情景因素的角度分析英语广告在词汇层和句法层方面的基本特征。Based on the above argument, the paper analyzes the basic lexical and syntactical features of advertisement language.

学习任何新版语言的一个危险就是疯狂使用新的语法结构。One of the dangers of learning a new version of any language is the tendency to go crazy with new syntactical structures.

文中以句法视野解读聚落空间形态,以探讨其隐含的文化与社会本性。This article interprets settlement spatial form in syntactical view to discuss its connotative culture and social nature.

领域特定语言,也称为DSL,为特定的问题领域提供了一种方便的语意来表达自己的目标。Domain-Specific Languages, or DSLs, provide a convenient syntactical means for expressing goals in a given problem domain.

换言之,从语法和句法角度看,在这句表达的存在,显然是合理的。it In other words there is a kind of grammatical and syntactical permissibility obviously in the expression It is raining.

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这些差异主要是由不同的语言水平及背景知识所造成的字位、词汇、句法方面的差异。The analysis reveals that the linguistic differences are existent chiefly at the graphological, lexical, and syntactical levels.

如果你想图省事,可以选择eclipse中的标准插件JDT,它支持从格式和句法两个方面对源代码做标准检查。And if you want to start out really light, eclipse has support for stylistic and syntactical coding standards within the standard JDT.

本文通过对书面英语广告的语言分析总结出广告英语在词汇﹑句法﹑篇章上的语言特点。This paper presents an analytical study of the language features of English advertisements at lexical, syntactical and discourse levels.