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这是一个纯粹的野伢子。That is the pure-bred gamin.

这一点巴黎的浪子知道得很清楚。The Paris gamin was quite aware of the fact.

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对文学野孩并非没有直觉。The gamin is not devoid of literary intuition.

英文野孩爱城市,也爱幽静,他多少有些逸兴闲情。The gamin loves the city, he also loves solitude, since he has something of the sage in him.

你把一些无用的东西送给一个人,又从他身上把必须的东西剥夺掉,你便有了一个野孩。Bestow on an individual the useless and deprive him of the necessary, and you have the gamin.

野孩行了个军礼,高高兴兴地从那大街垒的缺口跨出去了。The gamin made the military salute and passed gayly through the opening in the large barricade.

孩子向那烟囱走去,烟囱在接近棚顶的地方有一个大缺口,他一下便钻进去了。The gamin directed his steps towards the flue, which it was easy to enter, thanks to a large crack which touched the roof.

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野孩领着两个“伢子”所要去的地方,正是那广场的这只被远处一盏回光灯微微照着的角上。It was towards this corner of the place, dimly lighted by the reflection of a distant street lamp, that the gamin guided his two " brats ."

一个地道的野孩知道巴黎所有的警察,他遇见一个警察,总能对着他的脸叫出他的名字。他能掐着手指把他们一个个数过来。他研究他们的性格,并对他们中每一个都有专门的评语。The gamin in his perfect state possesses all the policemen of Paris, and can always put the name to the face of any one which he chances to meet.

这野孩踮着脚走近那个潜心思索的人,绕着他兜圈子,怕惊醒了他似的。The gamin approached this pensive personage, and began to step around him on tiptoe, as one walks in the vicinity of a person whom one is afraid of waking.

不问你是什么,成见也好,贪渎行为也好,卑劣作风、压迫、不义、专制、不公、热狂、暴政也好,你都得留心注意那个张着嘴发愣的野孩。Whoever you may be, if your name is Prejudice, Abuse, Ignorance, Oppression, Iniquity, Despotism, Injustice, Fanaticism, Tyranny, beware of the gaping gamin.