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马比人跑得快。A horse can outstrip a man.

你可能瞒过世人,但你没有翅膀飞离你心中的神。You may outstrip men, but you have no wings to fly from your own god.

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这必将超出许多社会和生态系统的适应能力。This is bound to outstrip the ability of many societies and ecosystems to adapt.

能源使用的增加量超过了最初节省的量。The higher energy use that results tends to outstrip the original efficiency gains.

树对公众利益做出的贡献在广度上和深度上都超过了绝大多数人。Trees outstrip most people in the extent and depth of their work for the public good.

华尔街的工资水平依旧远远超过其他行业。Pay scales on Wall Street continue to outstrip those in other professions outrageously.

预计未来三年公共开支增长,会继续高于本地生产总值增长。The growth of expenditure will continue to outstrip GDP growth in the next three years.

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树对公益利益所做出的贡献在广度和深度上都超过了绝大多数人。Trees outstrip the most people in the extent and depth of their work for the public good.

新兴市场过去一两年表现亮丽,欧美国家央行政策释出的流动性涌入,带动两位的报酬率.一项路透调查预估,2011年新兴市场股市报酬率将远高于美国及英国.A Reuters poll forecasts emerging returns will far outstrip U.S. and UK equity gains in 2011.

这带来的好处可能超过让目前在路上行走的巴士和的士数量减半的好处。That could outstrip the benefits of halving the number of buses and taxis currently on the roads.

然后,中微子不需要超越光速,在所观察的时间内,就可以达到它们的目的地。Then the neutrinos wouldn't have to outstrip light to reach their destination in the observed time.

由于亚洲纺织品作坊的棉花可能供不应求,棉花价格达到了29个月以来的最高水平。Cotton prices reached a 29-month high on concerns that demand from Asian textile mills will outstrip supply.

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我们甚至在目睹,贪婪的因素开始超越对她权利和未来幸福的真正关切。We are even seeing the greed factor starting to outstrip genuine concerns for her rights and future well-being.

美国农业部表示,全球棉花消费将连续第六年超过库存量。The U.S. Department of Agriculture says global cotton consumption will outstrip stocks for the sixth straight year.

其中包括一种帮助固定支出超过手头现金资源的员工渡过困难时期的过渡贷款。They include a type of bridge loan made to tide over employees whose fixed expenses outstrip available cash resources.

近年来,火山学家已经开始讨论那些远超过普通或花园式的火山。In recent years, volcanologists have started talking about eruptions that far outstrip those of common-or-garden volcanoes.

毫无疑问那些西方之类的大型军工复合体将继续在工程技术领域领先。Yes, large military industrial complexes like those of the West will continue to outstrip all other attempts at engineering.

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聘请顾问开发视频的成本远远超过利用公司拥有的资源和人力来开发视频的成本。The cost of producing video via a consultant can far outstrip the cost of doing so with company-owned resources and expertise.

实验组学生在自然科成就测验表现,并未明现高于控制组。In terms of the results of the tests on Nature Science, the experimental group does not significantly outstrip the control group.

随着年龄的增长,久而久之,变异的数量逐渐超出了系统修复能力,线粒体开始出现故障进而停止运作。Over time, as we age,the number of mutations begins to outstrip the system’s ability to makerepairs, and mitochondria start malfunctioning and dying.