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我们正在毁灭我们的世界。We are wrecking the world.

你在破坏我的植物学实验!You' re wrecking my botany experiment!

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您身体脂肪代谢失去未经糟糕。Lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism.

这幢古老建筑被营救队人员毁了。A wrecking crew is demolishing the old building.

你不会因破坏不可修复的东西惹麻烦。You can't get in trouble for wrecking the unsalvageable!

如果你喜欢抢险车这是赛车游戏的你!If you like wrecking cars this is the racing game for you!

在不伤害经济的情况下戳破泡沫则更难。Pricking them is even harder without wrecking the economy.

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对于一个新艺员来说,单独表演是最令人紧张的时候。The solo exhibition is the most nerve wrecking for a new artist.

激烈的战斗在旧加格拉进行,破坏了这座城市传奇的度假名胜。Fighting raged in Old Gagra, wrecking the city's storied resorts.

这种态度就是破坏本周多哈回合贸易谈判的潜在原因。Such attitudes were behind the wrecking of the Doha round of trade talks this week.

首先,他们能否阻止“去杠杆化”行为获得动力、并破坏经济?First, can they stop deleveraging from gaining momentum and wrecking their economies?

上周末几乎撞坏了我的车,他还有脸皮要求再借他。After almost wrecking my car last week-end he had the crust to ask to borrow it again.

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当我毁了我父亲的新汽车而很晚才回家时,那可真是倒了一次大霉。When I got home late after wrecking my father's new car, there was the very devil to pay.

一颗拆建铁球穿墙而入在画布上砸了个大洞。The wrecking ball came through the wall of the house and shot a perfect hole through the canvas.

说回草根基层,许许多多的伪弗格也在做着同样的事情,这令到足球的乐趣锐减。Down at the grassroots, too many of the aspirant Fergusons do the same, and it is wrecking the fun.

朝鲜的倒退行径让经济遭受严重打击,不满情绪在公众间蔓延。North Korea's retrograde moves are wrecking its economy and propagating discontent among the masses.

结果它毁了自己的未来,反而是灵活的日本车商接管了它的市场。It succeeded only in wrecking its own future as more agile Japanese competitors took over its markets.

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但问题是,如果我们的能力强大到如此地步,就不存在什么限制了,我们会把一切都破坏殆尽。The problem is then we'd be so powerful, there'd be no restraint and we'd continue wrecking everything.

海丝特·白兰胸前大红的“A”字宣泄着加尔文教对人们精神的毒害和摧残。The red letter "A" in Hester Prune's chest shows Calvinism's poisoning and wrecking to person's spirit.

瓦莱丽的第二次婚姻完了,她醒悟到,是性毁了自己的生活。Valerie realized that sex was wrecking her life right around the time her second marriage disintegrated.