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任期士林,然后开始用在一个带有贬义色彩的意识。The term scholasticism then began to be used in a derogatory sense.

士林是一个长远的用于指定既是一种方法和制度。Scholasticism is a term used to designate both a method and a system.

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要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.

要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.

请描述在上古地中海地区和早期中古西欧士林哲学的发展。Please describe the development of scholasticism in antiquity and the early Middle Ages.

教会主宰了知识生活,产生了托马斯?阿奎那的经院哲学。The church dominated intellectual life, producing the Scholasticism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

教会主宰了知识生活,产生了托马斯?阿奎那的。The church dominated intellectual life, producing the Scholasticism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

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心脏士林坚持一个制度,这是明确的和定义在语调。The heart of scholasticism insisted upon a system that was clear and definitional in tone.

她指出,中国的危险主要不在于政治,而是在于“墨守故辙”。Meanwhile, she pointed out that the risk China faces did not lie in politics but in scholasticism.

12世纪的文艺复兴使理性得到复苏,促进了经院哲学理性主义的发展。The renaissance in the 12th centuries advanced the development of rationalism about scholasticism.

这是真正的不仅是细节,而且最重要的要素士林。And this is true not only of the details, but also of the most essential elements of Scholasticism.

“奥康姆剃刀”,由中世纪经院哲学家奥康姆提出。The principle of "Occam Razor " was proposed by the philosopher of scholasticism in the middle ages.

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笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism.

考虑到这一点,他便决定重新搬出中世纪经院哲学的一套来开个学术性玩笑,向惊恐于。With this in mind, he decided to revive scholasticism as an academic lark to challenge the Sputnik-panicked classrooms of America.

希冀透过本文的讨论,而对士林哲学的感性认识论有初步的掌握。It is hoped that through the discussion here, we can have a rudimentary understanding of the sensible epistemology of scholasticism.

经院哲学的发展与政教之争的进程息息相关,是政教之争在哲学和神学领域中的反映。Scholasticism thereby was closely related to, and also the reflection of the process of the struggle between secular power and Church.

文艺复兴时代已相当一扫而空后来士林有了它,在很大程度上,有建设性的哲学,中世纪。The Renaissance had fairly swept away the later scholasticism and with it, very largely, the constructive philosophy of the Middle Ages.

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他用所学哒物理知识来教训野蛮哒学长,他用聪明打破了学院墨守成规哒传统观念。He taught the barbarous schoolmate a lesson by the learnt physical knowledge, he broken the traditional concept of scholasticism by his wisdom.

要理解人文主义,必须较之于中世纪人们对基督教的虔诚以及经院哲学,人文主义思想就像是一股自由开放、清新宜人的空气。To understand Humanism, it must be contrasted with the piety and scholasticism of the Middle Ages, against which Humanism was regarded as a free and open breath of fresh air.

欧洲「文艺復兴时期」上承中古时期的士林哲学,下启十七世纪革命的科学思潮,可說是近代西方文明的一个转捩点,。European Renaissance, inheriting Medieval Scholasticism and initiating scientific thoughts of the 17th century, can be seen as a critical turning pint of western civilization.