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这是一个逆变换。It's the inverse transformation.

他们黑暗中展示逆光模式。They show inverse mode at night.

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又称为反多路复用器。Also known as inverse multiplexors.

这就意味着它们是互逆的两个矩阵。It means they are the inverse matrices.

所以它也应该是它的倒数。So this just must be the inverse of this.

矩阵M可以用A逆来表示。The matrix M will be denoted by A inverse.

请找出反函数,并绘图。Please find the inverse function and sketch.

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这些商品呈现的关系是倒置的。These commodities have an inverse relationship.

您是否在生产中使用逆向类加载?Did you use inverse class loading in production?

反向激动剂指一种新分类概念。Inverse agonist is a new type of classification.

氟牙症和龋齿的病情呈反比关系。Dental caries and mottled enamel are inverse ratio.

此外,我还需要反概率函数。Also, I needed to have inverse probability functions.

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这是2010年美国对华“双反”调查第一案。This is America's 2010 "double inverse" survey first.

卷积反演是卷积的逆运算。Deconvolution is the inverse algorithm of convolution.

最后对该系数进行小波逆变换,得到融合图像。Finally, the fused image was obtained with inverse WT.

这里就需要知道如何对倒数求导。Here we need to know how to differentiate the inverse.

开放式磁感应成像逆问题研究。Inverse problem of the open magnetic induction tomography.

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由此可见,智商和快乐成反比。Fig4. Therefore, should be inverse ratio btw IQ and happiness.

而这正是有压瞬变流反问题研究的强大动力和重要意义所在。This is the strong drive to study the inverse problems of PFT.

我们要学如何直接找到一个矩阵的逆矩阵。We need to learn how to find the inverse of a matrix directly.