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希望可以看看你上色!Look forwards to your color pics.

释放靠背并向前倾斜。Release backrest and tilt forwards.

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山猫队前锋发挥的很出色。The Bobcats forwards also played well.

前锋逐渐开始后撤。Gradually, forwards began to drop deeper.

丹麦的前锋线有哪些队员?Which forwards are there in Denmark team?

能把一些大前锋推出禁区。Can push some power forwards off the block.

设想一下,一个孩子在火车上朝前跑,他向前的速度加强了火车的速度,那么她不能突破速度极限吗?Imagine a child running forwards up the train.

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我踩下离合器,汽车便朝前开了。I engaged the clutch and the car moved forwards.

布罗根神父开始来回踱步。Father brogan began to pace backwards and forwards.

同样的也指队里的中锋和前锋。As it refers to players, a team's center and forwards.

第七部分是对全文的总结和展望。Part seven contains conclusions and looking- forwards.

将牙线在齿间来回拉动。Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.

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就是跑在最前面的,那些人叫前锋。OK, they run out in the front. Those are called forwards.

其结果就是盆骨向前倾斜。What results from this is that the pelvis tilts forwards.

你不能斜倾,后仰或前倾。You should not be tilted sideways, backward, or forwards.

对来自成员的VLAN的非标记帧进行转发。Forwards untagged frames from VLANs in which it is a member.

这伞体现在开始从右到左向前下潜。The canopy will now start to dive forwards from right to left.

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小个子的锋位,不能抢篮板也不能完成防守。Undersize forwards who can't rebound or defend their position?

交换器B和交换器A是在同一个区段,同时也会传送广播讯框到每个埠。Switch B is on the same segment and also forwards all broadcasts.

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