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在跳板上安鼠夹。Fix rat traps on the gangplank.

跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping.

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把自升式钻井平台与固定钻井平台连接在一起的跳板或楼梯。The gangplank or stairway connecting a jackup drilling rig to a fixed platform.

中尉来到了跳板上,挽着吉尔伯特的胳膊。The lieutenant appeared at the top of the gangplank , holding Gilbert in his arms.

我看着她的背影艰难地跨过了跳板,我的眼泪夺眶而出。I saw her back figure moving on the gangplank with difficulty. My eyes burst into tears.

有一次船停泊在墨西哥的一个港口,这时正是潮水很高的时候,游客们从船上下到码头必须使用很窄的跳板作为通道。Everyone on board was forced to use the ship's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below.

警方后来才发现,这个论坛只不过是个烟雾弹,是一个通向更秘密的空间的跳板。Police just discovers later, this forum just is an aerosol play, it is a gangplank that leads to more private space.

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爸爸在跳板上遇到我们,并带我们穿过那群叫卖的小贩和伸手讨钱的儿童乞丐。Dad met us at the gangplank and guided us through the swarms of hawkers and children begging for coins with outstretched hands.

文中分析了通路板下模的结构,为了增强地板的结构强度,提出了改进设计及合理的模具结构。The die structure of gangplank is analyzed. In order to enhance structure intensity, an improved mould structure is put forward.

90分钟后,我终于登上了罗斯号湿滑的木头舷梯,这时离开我到达码头的时间已经足足有8个小时了。Ninety minutes later, and eight hours after arriving at the harbour, I finally climbed the slippery, wooden gangplank of the MV Rus.

只不过上个月举行完工典礼时发生意外,导致十五人丧生,所以今天的启航典礼十分低调。But memories of the 15 people killed when a gangplank to the ship collapsed during a visitor's day marking the end of construction five weeks ago dampened the mood at Monday's ceremony.

介绍一种集装卸搬运野战医疗箱及其他医疗器材、临时担架、临时病床、野外沟壑踏板及海上漂流用具于一体的野战医疗多功能平车。The field medical multifunctional flat cart can be used to load, unload and carry field medical chest, temporary stretcher, temporary sickbed, filed gangplank and sea floating equipment.