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重大项目的投资我需要向董事会汇报工作。I will report directorate the important item investment.

几年之后,他进了公司的董事会。Within a few years, he got in the directorate in the company.

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这是美国国家自然科学基金生物学部的网站。This is the website of The Directorate for Biological Sciences.

追悼仪式在地球联邦旗舰亚历山大号上举行。Memorial services were held aboard the Directorate flagship Aleksander.

NASA科学任务高级理事会在华盛顿的资金任务LADEE。NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington funds the LADEE mission.

我们发现,督政官时代的外交政策依然充满活力,仿佛没有经历过革命。One discovers it still as vigorous under the Directorate as if there had been no revolution.

喷气与推进实验室负责为位于华盛顿的美国太空总署科学项目董事会管理着近地天体计划办公室。JPL manages the Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

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贸易联盟因足够强大而在这次丑闻中幸免,甚至连其董事会都几乎完好无损。The Trade Federation was strong enough to survive the scandal, even with its Directorate mostly intact.

一旦进入攻击之后,我们受过高度训练的主力部队将能够全力歼灭这些野兽般的虫族。Once on the offensive, our highly trained Directorate forces were more then a match for the beast-like Zerg.

德尔加杜角省工业贸易署预期,到2005年年底,出口额将增至2004年的三倍。The Industry and Trade Directorate expects that by the end of 2005 exports will triple against those of 2004.

它也将有助于该部门改善其工作流程,协作,信息采集和存储进程。It also will help the directorate improve its workflow, collaboration, information acquisition and storage processes.

印度时报有报道指出,执法局的人在达兰萨拉现身,将极大地震慑外来的威胁。The Enforcement Directorate appeared in Dharmsala and highlighted the foreign menace, according to the Times of India

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电信总局希望在民国七十九年以前,将转盘电话全面更换为按钮电话。The Directorate General of Telecommunications hopes to have all telephones changed over to the pushbutton type by 1990.

这件事已经通知了中心区和伦敦市警局的公众标准理事会,声明说。The directorate of public standards at both the Metropolitan and City of London police had been informed, the statement said.

在国土安全部科学与技术部门的监督下,该公司将生产出一些用于实地测试的产品。The company will build a few automated systems for field trials under supervision of the DHS Science and Technology Directorate.

该研究是一个完整的系统性研究,并将由华盛顿的NASA太空研究中心负责。This research will support the Integrated Systems Research Program in NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate in Washington.

土耳其前国家水利工程董事会主席多根。埃尔金比莱克是这个方案的设计者之一。Dogan Altinbilek, the former head of the Turkey's General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, is one of the architects of the plan.

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李念纬先生、吴王依雯女士代表仁济医院董事局向扶贫助教基金捐款。Mr li nianwei and ms wu wang yi wen represented directorate of hong kong yan chai hospital subscribed to the fund for destitute area.

2010年外防腐蚀管理检查项目由沿海分部的危险安装指导委员会进行。The 2010 External Corrosion Management Inspection Project was conducted by the Offshore Division's Hazardous Installations Directorate.

第一总局里了解内情的官员都清楚,普洛尼科史的权力远远超过他的职务和地位。As well-informed officers in the First Chief Directorate knew, Pronnikov was far more powerful than either his rank or position suggested.