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在里,卡罗看著这一幕笑了,因为他看到了还有人比他惨。In "White" Karol smiles because he realizes this is the one person worse off than he is.

临近大学毕业时南宫像她求婚,她却开始踌躇不定。Wood proposed to her in the eve of their university graduation, but this time Karol hesitated.

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这是波兰科学院卡罗斯塔马淡水生物学研究所的网站。This is the website for Karol Starmach Institute Freshwater Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

洛可可与家世地位颇高的南宫悟相恋之后,走过了颇为平静地感情生活。Karol went though quite a peaceful love life, falling flat with Wood who came from a decent family.

Karol说,在过去250年里,平均每2.5年就有一个新元素被添加进元素周期表。Over the past 250 years, new elements have been added about once every 2.5 years on average, Karol said.

Karol还介绍说,新元素产生的原理是用两个较轻的元素相对碰撞,以期它们可以合二为一。The new elements were made by slamming two lighter elements together in the hopes that they'd stick, Karol said.

卡罗尔.约泽夫.沃伊蒂瓦受到全球数百万人的爱戴,但他原本的名字并不为人熟知。Karol Jozef Wojtyla was loved by millions of people around the world. However, they didn't know him by his given name.

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Karol表示他们已经邀请合作发现新元素的科学家为新元素命名。The scientists from the collaboration have been invited to submit names for the new elements for approval, Karol said.

英国癌症伙伴内科主任教授卡罗尔西科拉说,这传达的信息是“偶尔喝酒,但不能经常喝。”Cancer Partners UK medical director Prof Karol Sikora said the message had to be "drink occasionally, but not regularly".

来自波兰法律与公正党的议员卡洛尔·卡尔斯基在议会中质疑了俄国的军事演习,并向欧盟委员会提出了抗议。Karol Karski, an MP from Poland's Law and Justice, is to table parliamentary questions on Russia's war games and has protested to the European Commission.

“在没有电脑拼写检查的时候,大部分的孩子们都不能准确地拼出单词来,”两个在亚特兰大校区上学的男孩的母亲、51岁的卡罗尔·波尔说。“Most of our kids can’t spell without spell check or add unless it comes up on the computer, ” said Karol Ball, 51, who has two teenage sons in the Atlantic City district.