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四面混泥土墙。Four concrete walls.

沥青混凝土路?。Asphaltic concrete road?

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全套管基桩?。All casing concrete pile?

在底端,它是比较具体的。At the bottom, it's very concrete.

这具体的我也说不上来。I can't tell you anything concrete.

水泥柱支撑着大桥。Concrete pillars support the bridge.

具体价格,电讯!Concrete price, tele-communications!

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您现在有了一个空的具体模型。You now have an empty concrete model.

这会是钢筋混泥土吗?Is it going to be reinforced concrete?

少数情况下会使混凝土颜色变深。Rarely will darken concrete or pavers.

这条路是用混凝土板铺成的。The path is paved with concrete slabs.

这太抽象了,一点都不具体。This is all abstract and not concrete.

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使选拔干部的原则更加具体。This makes the criteria more concrete.

她的左面有一个钢筋水泥的碉堡。To her left was a concrete blockhouse.

他们把旗竿竖在水泥基座上。They set the pole in a bed of concrete.

水泥地面与墙壁连接处的裂缝cracks at concrete floor-wall junctions

一是降低混凝土粘稠度。First, reduce the viscosity of concrete.

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这些都是非常具体的资源。So a lot of that is a concrete resource.

轮胎哧溜驶过潮湿的水泥地。The tyres hissed over the damp concrete.

砌体暗渠取代混凝土排水沟。Masonry culvert replaces concrete gutter.