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爱伦坡的早年生活十分艰辛。Edgar Allan Poe had a very hard early life.

一位新的巫妖王坐魔兽世界巫妖王之怒在了冰封王座上。A new Lich King now took poe ion of the Frozen Throne.

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我们在读斯蒂芬·金、安妮·瑞斯、爱德嘉·艾伦的诗。We're reading Stephen King, Anne Rice, Edgar Allan Poe.

一段时间里,爱伦·坡似乎找到了幸福。For a time, it seemed that Poe would find some happiness.

爱伦·坡对恐怖小说作出了极大贡献。Edgar Allan Poe made great contribution to horror fiction.

爱伦·坡是一类侦探小说的创始者。Allan Poe was the originator of a genre of detective story.

我会记住埃德加·艾伦·坡的短篇故事集。I would memorize a book of short stories by Edgar Allen Poe.

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梅尔维尔似乎发现伊希梅尔是个讨厌的人。In Melville as in Allen Poe there is a sort of hectic excess.

后来,幼小的坡被住在弗吉尼亚州首府里士满的艾伦一家收养。The young Poe was adopted by the Allans of Richmond, Virginia.

两年之后,即1849年,爱伦坡去世。Two years later, in 1849, Poe passed away to the heavens as well.

我认为坡是一个英雄,因为他拥有如此传奇的人生。I believe that Poe is a hero because of the legacy he left behind.

这听起来像艾伦·坡的恐怖故事。It sounds like something out of an Edgar Allen Poe tale of horror.

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“安娜贝尔·李”是埃德加·爱伦·坡所做的最后一首完整诗篇。"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by Edgar Allan Poe.

这个故事叫做“倾倒”房子厄埃德加·爱伦·坡。The story is called "The Fall of the House of Usher "by Edgar Allan Poe.

关于马克·吐温与坡之间的不同,我们无须哓哓不休。Mark Twain AND Poe . there is no need to enlarge on the gulf between them.

项目开展以来,研究者梅丽莎·波和她的团队已经采访了35位采摘者。Since then, researcher Melissa Poe and her team have interviewed 35 foragers.

爱伦·坡是争议最多的美国作家之一。Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most misunderstood among America"s major writers."

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艾德嘉‧爱伦坡是一名美国小说家、诗人、文学评论家以及剧作家。Edgar Allan Poe was an American novelist, poet, literary critic, and playwright.

事实上,爱德加.爱伦.波被人们称之为现代侦探小说之父。In fact, Edgar Allan Poe is considered the father of the modern detective novel.

杰夫。杰罗姆是爱德加。爱伦。波博物馆的馆长,他说,波的影响在H。Jeff Jerome is the curator of the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum in Baltimore.