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天气对人的心情也有非常大的影响。Weather also has a strong in fluence on people's feel.

我请求他为我施用他的影响。I requested that he should use his in fluence on my behalf.

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饱和通量,调制深度等是半导体可饱和吸收镜的重要参数。Saturation fluence and modulation depth are key parameters of SESAM.

调节钢渣的细度和掺量,可改变硬化浆体的膨胀大小。The in- fluence of steel slag proportions and fineness on expansion are presented.

张载之说对中国古代哲学有重大影响。Zhang Zai's theory about nature exerted great in fluence upon China's ancient philosophy.

并对影响常走和常跑锻炼的因素进行了分析。This paper also analyzes some factors which can in fluence continuous walking and running.

手传振动对人体健康有一定的危害,如何对其评价是工程中急需解决的问题。It is a problem how to evaluate the in fluence of hand-transmitted vibration to human health.

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一个色素性皮损的临床病史影响其治疗方案的制订。Background. The clinical history of a given pigmented lesion could in fluence the therapeutic decision.

“母法”观念妨碍了宪法至上的实现,对我国目前的宪政与法治建设特别是宪法修改也存在消极影响。The idea of"Parent Law"has negative in- fluence on the construction of constitutionalism and rule of law.

完全不同于早期罗马建筑的是其雕塑和彩色玻璃受自然主义气息的严重影响。Unlike that of earlier Romanesque architectures, sculptures and stained glass show the great fluence of naturalism.

最后用模式计算了2003~2006年间太阳同步轨道卫星表面原子氧遭遇量的情况。In addition, the result of AO fluence is obtained for the sun-synchronous satellite during its flight from 2003-2006.

紧凑型轿车“Fluence”和微型面包车“Kangoo”的电动车版本按计划于今年晚些时候销售。The Fluence compact sedan and an electric version of the Kangoo small van are scheduled to go on sale later this year.

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朱熹的心性思想使儒家心性论达到了完备的程度,对后世产生了广泛而深远的影响。Zhu's theory of Mind-Nature perfects the Confucian Mind-Nature theory and exerts a tremendous in fluence on later ages.

在目前计算和模拟组织中光辐射能流率的方法中,都需要首先确定所研究组织的光学特性参数。The premise for these actual measurement methods for light fluence rate is to measure the optical properties of the tissue.

本文概述了常用的测定组织中光辐射能流率及组织光学特性参数的测量方法。We summarized in this article the commonly used measurement methods for light fluence rate and optical properties of tissue.

癌肿光动力学治疗的方案需要作组织中的激光辐射能流率的剂量测量。Dosimetry of the radiant fluence rates of laser within a tissue are required for proper planning of photodynamic therapy of cancer.

用蒙特卡罗方法对中子在样品中的注量衰减,多次散射及有限角分辨做了修正。The Corrections for neutron fluence attenuation, multiple scattering and finite geometry are performed by using Monte-Carlo method.

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方法的精确度主要取决于古径迹数的多少和热中于通量的误差。The precision of this method depends mainly on the counts of the fossil fission tracks and the error of the thermal neutron fluence.

分析了该打标过程的作用机理,通过实验得出了对几种不同的卷烟用纸打标的能量密度阈值条件及优化条件。The marking mechanism is studied, the fluence threshold of marking is acquired in experiment, the conditions of marking is optimized.

用这种方法求出的线性滤波系数,对电测深曲线的解释结果有直接影响。The linear filtering coefficient obtained by this method can directly in- fluence the interpretation result of electric sounding curve.