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他可真是个傻瓜!What a coot he is!

他像一只水鸡一样秃。He's as bald as a coot.

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好吧,说吧你这个老傻瓜!Well, tell me you old coot !

“她是一个寒冷的一个,所有权利”的口子说。"She's a cold one, all right, " the coot says.

美洲白骨顶是一种鸟,它们生活在北美并且长得像野鸭。The American coot is a duck-like North American bird.

我们的儿子从理发店回来,头发剃得光光的。Our son came back from the barber's shop as bald as coot.

他的朋友们留下了深刻印象,该笨人知道这么多关于其他地方。His friend seemed impressed that the coot knew so much about other places.

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有时白骨顶尝试把自己的蛋偷偷放到相邻巢穴中。Sometimes a coot will try and sneak one of its eggs into a neighbor's nest.

可怜的家伙,他只有20岁,可是由于生病,头顶已经光秃秃了。Poor man, he is only twenty years old, but owing to illness he is as bald as a coot.

整个夏季,在这睡莲的世界里,蹼鸡和黑水鸡过着困惑迷茫的日子。All summer, in this world of water lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a confused life.

夏天,黑鸭和雷鸟在这片睡莲的世界过着不知所措的日子。All summer, in this world of water-lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a bewildered life.

多出两个陌生蛋,它们就会少生两个蛋。而那些认出闯入者的鸟则会将其赶走,然后生产通常相同数量的蛋。Sneak two in, the coot lays two fewer. Coots that successfully spotted intruders knocked them out again and then laid the same number they normally would.