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街机模式下完成第10关。Cleared Stage 10 in Arcade mode.

在街机模式下完成一次翻滚。Performed a roll in Arcade Mode.

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在街机模式下完成50连击。Got a combo of 50 in Arcade mode.

找出在这个激动人心的商场越轨行为!Find out in this exciting arcade escapade !

我们跳上单车,风风火火地向商场进发We jump on our bikes and peddle off to the arcade.

我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease.

不好意思,请问SOGO购物中心在哪里?Would you tell me where the SOGO shopping arcade is?

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下载游戏珍惜蛙人和发挥是免费的!Download Arcade Game Treasure Frogman and Play for Free!

在早晨的这个时候,拱廊街上几乎空无一人。At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty.

它在那儿,在电子游戏中心与邮局之间。It's there , between the video arcade and the post office.

Pong在1972年首次推出的时候是一款街头投币游戏。Pong first appeared as a coin-operated arcade game in 1972.

空间猎鹰指挥官是一个典型的街机射击赛。Space Falcon Commander is a classic arcade shootem up game.

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太阳毒晒的时候,人们可以在廊荫下行走。One can walk in the shade of the arcade when the sun is hot.

不好意思,请问SOGO购物中心在哪里?Excuse me. Would you tell me where the SOGO shopping arcade is?

标志性的视频街机游戏吃豆人正在庆祝30年的今天。Iconic video arcade game Pac-Man is celebrating 30 years today.

超市在邮局和电子游戏中心中间。The supermarket is between the post office and the video arcade.

有一长排的计程车在有柱的拱廊下等。There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade.

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玩几百个上瘾的游戏,好玩的网游戏和走道游戏…Play hundreds of addictive games , fun web games and arcade games.

在新街和大桥街中间有一个电子游戏中心。There is a video arcade between the New Street and the Bridge Street.

他们所需要的全部就是两三台迷你电玩机,而它们全会被配备齐全的。All they need is a couple of mini arcade games, and they’d be all set.