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他给这些恶棍以当头一棒。He gave these scoundrels a jolt.

请给我倒一点威士忌提提神好吗?。Please pour me a jolt of whisky.

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金融危机是一次严重挫折。The financial crisis was a jolt.

突然颠了一下,她向前打了一个趔趄。The sudden jolt plunged her forward.

颠簸让许多东西滑倒并且使一些液体溅出。The jolt caused many slips and a few spills.

有时候人的味觉会需要一点酸。The palate likes to get a little jolt of acid now and then.

飞机突遇湍流,让我猛地晃了一下。The airplane encountered some turbulence and gave me a sharp jolt.

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只是飞机降落时有些颠簸,空中有云,我想是这样的。When our plane landed in the storm, it hit the runway with a jolt.

这种震动会使身体系统受到重压,给脆弱的动脉壁造成压力。This jolt taxes the system and creates strain on weak artery walls.

我逞强我害怕,少了你旳世界寂寞颠簸。I showed off power I to be afraid, am short your world to jolt lonely.

是时候追随奥巴马的领导了,重拳出击,让世界经济重焕生机。It is time to follow Mr Obama's lead and jolt the patient back to life.

现在,跟随奥巴马,给病人一剂强心针,把它救回来。It is time to follow Mr Obama’s lead and jolt the patient back to life.

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第二天你会在疲惫中醒来,再去跨上你颠簸的咖啡之旅。You wake up tired the next day and reach for your morning jolt of Java.

在这场动荡背后是世界上最严重的楼市泡沫之一。Behind this jolt was one of the world's most concentrated property bubbles.

每次遇到街石引起的震动,从马吕斯的头发中就掉下一滴血。At every jolt over the pavement, a drop of blood trickled from Marius' hair.

早晨通过这些简单的方法获得更多能量,给自己一击。Give yourself a jolt in the morning with these easy ways to get more energy.

最初的震动之后随之而来的是40英尺高的海啸。The initial jolt was followed a few minutes later by a 40-foot-high tsunami.

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带上你的尖顶帽,长一副胡须,喝着震动可乐加入到娱乐当中来把。Put on your pointy hat, grow a beard, drink Jolt Cola and come join in the fun.

然后,他用一个意想不到的出奇不意,以颠簸观众离开自己的座位。Then, he used an unexpected element of surprise to jolt the viewer out of their seats.

因为带有非常之早期的油压驱动装置设计,客卡于上行起动时多会震动。With a very early hydraulic propulsion design, the car tends to jolt on upward startup.